The Stacks project

Lemma 15.83.8. Let $R' \to A'$ be a flat ring map of finite presentation. Let $R' \to R$ be a surjective ring map whose kernel is a nilpotent ideal. Set $A = A' \otimes _{R'} R$. Let $K' \in D(A')$ and set $K = K' \otimes _{A'}^\mathbf {L} A$ in $D(A)$. If $K$ is $R$-perfect, then $K'$ is $R'$-perfect.

Proof. We can represent $K$ by a bounded above complex of finite free $A$-modules $E^\bullet $, see Lemma 15.64.5. By Lemma 15.75.3 we conclude that $K'$ is pseudo-coherent because it can be represented by a bounded above complex $P^\bullet $ of finite free $A'$-modules with $P^\bullet \otimes _{A'} A = E^\bullet $. Observe that this also means $P^\bullet \otimes _{R'} R = E^\bullet $ (since $A = A' \otimes _{R'} R$).

Let $I = \mathop{\mathrm{Ker}}(R' \to R)$. Then $I^ n = 0$ for some $n$. Choose $[a, b]$ such that $K$ has tor amplitude in $[a, b]$ as a complex of $R$-modules. We will show $K'$ has tor amplitude in $[a, b]$. To do this, let $M'$ be an $R'$-module. If $IM' = 0$, then

\[ K' \otimes _{R'}^\mathbf {L} M' = P^\bullet \otimes _{R'} M' = E^\bullet \otimes _ R M' = K \otimes _ R^\mathbf {L} M' \]

(because $A'$ is flat over $R'$ and $A$ is flat over $R$) which has nonzero cohomology only for degrees in $[a, b]$ by choice of $a, b$. If $I^{t + 1}M' = 0$, then we consider the short exact sequence

\[ 0 \to IM' \to M' \to M'/IM' \to 0 \]

with $M = M'/IM'$. By induction on $t$ we have that both $K' \otimes _{R'}^\mathbf {L} IM'$ and $K' \otimes _{R'}^\mathbf {L} M'/IM'$ have nonzero cohomology only for degrees in $[a, b]$. Then the distinguished triangle

\[ K' \otimes _{R'}^\mathbf {L} IM' \to K' \otimes _{R'}^\mathbf {L} M' \to K' \otimes _{R'}^\mathbf {L} M'/IM' \to (K' \otimes _{R'}^\mathbf {L} IM')[1] \]

proves the same is true for $K' \otimes _{R'}^\mathbf {L} M'$. This proves the desired bound for all $M'$ and hence the desired bound on the tor amplitude of $K'$. $\square$

Comments (3)

Comment #8792 by Shubhankar Sahai on

I apologise if this is my misunderstanding, but this seems to be a useful technical lemma. Maybe one can add a slogan 'Perfect complexes lift along nilpotent immersions with same tor-amplitude'

Comment #8793 by Shubhankar Sahai on

I guess that the slogan I suggested seems to be a bit stronger than what the lemma is doing (eg. as a -module has unbounded tor-dimension). Maybe a better slogan is that 'perfectness and tor-amplitude can be checked after base change along a nilpotent surjection'

Comment #8795 by shubhankar on

One final comment (which I learnt from Yuchen Wu, all mistakes are solely mine).

It seems that at least in the absolute case i.e. when and therefore then one can show that tor-dimension can be checked after base change to without the seemingly implicit pseudocoherence assumption (apologies if this is already obvious in the proof above).

The reason is that if is an -module so that then is already an module. Therefore .

Now the equation seems to hold without passing through the explicit resolutions and because

Then one reasons as you do.

If this is fine, I would suggest adding this in tag 0651.

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