Stacks project -- Comments Stacks project, see en (The Stacks project) (Pieter Belmans) Stacks project -- Comments #9536 on tag 09FB by Joe Lamond A new comment by Joe Lamond on tag 09FB. Ah, I see that in the definition of "field" given in the next section does explicitly rule out . Apologies for not spotting this.

Joe Lamond Fri, 26 Jul 2024 08:56:32 GMT
#9535 on tag 09FB by Joe Lamond A new comment by Joe Lamond on tag 09FB. The definition of a field appears to have a minor error in it. A field is a (commutative) ring in which and all nonzero elements are invertible. The definition given here allows for . (One can avoid this by defining a field to be a ring whose nonzero elements form a group under multiplication, or by defining a field as a ring with exactly two ideals.)

Joe Lamond Fri, 26 Jul 2024 08:48:46 GMT
#9534 on tag 08JA by nkym A new comment by nkym on tag 08JA. The first should be .

nkym Thu, 25 Jul 2024 04:11:02 GMT
#9533 on tag 0G6R by nkym A new comment by nkym on tag 0G6R. The second should be .

nkym Thu, 25 Jul 2024 03:27:32 GMT
#9532 on tag 08FC by nkym A new comment by nkym on tag 08FC. In the proof of (3) from (2), * for the case , should rather be the identity of and should be the same as , and * "but the first column of" should be "but the last column of".

nkym Thu, 25 Jul 2024 02:53:32 GMT
#9531 on tag 09GZ by Laurent Moret-Bailly A new comment by Laurent Moret-Bailly on tag 09GZ. I believe it would help the reader to change the section title to "Separable algebraic extensions".

Laurent Moret-Bailly Wed, 24 Jul 2024 09:49:02 GMT
#9530 on tag 09HC by Anonymous A new comment by Anonymous on tag 09HC. Maybe this is pedantic, but do you need some argument on why are separable over (i.e. that every element of is separable over ), and similarly for ?

For example, one could use Tags 9.12.11 and 9.12.4.

Alternative way to say it (but maybe worse exposition): if there were an element which is not separable over , we would get an injection from a non-reduced ring into a reduced ring, hence a contradiction.

Anonymous Wed, 24 Jul 2024 09:18:52 GMT
#9529 on tag 0G7B by nkym A new comment by nkym on tag 0G7B. In the proof the last two should be and

nkym Tue, 23 Jul 2024 08:54:27 GMT
#9528 on tag 0GMX by nkym A new comment by nkym on tag 0GMX. after the second last should be instead.

nkym Tue, 23 Jul 2024 08:33:25 GMT
#9527 on tag 0656 by Shubhankar A new comment by Shubhankar on tag 0656. Here's a possibly useful lemma which I thought was already on here. I also looked in the tor dimension section but couldn't find it. Apologies if I missed this or if there is a mistake below.

Let be perfect of tor-amplitude in . Then has tor-amplitude in . Indeed, if is an -module then and the RHS can be represented by a complex with non-zero for . Relabelling we see that is non-zero for and so we conclude.

Shubhankar Tue, 23 Jul 2024 04:32:50 GMT