Stacks project -- Comments Stacks project, see en (The Stacks project) (Pieter Belmans) Stacks project -- Comments #9489 on tag 012X by Elías Guisado A new comment by Elías Guisado on tag 012X. After Lemma 12.25.1, in “these spectral sequences define two filtrations on . We will denote these and ,” perhaps one could spell out , for . That is, we are plugging into Definition 12.24.5.

Elías Guisado Tue, 02 Jul 2024 05:39:31 GMT
#9488 on tag 012Q by Elías Guisado A new comment by Elías Guisado on tag 012Q. Analogously as in Comment #9487:

  1. In the statement, instead of “the limit exists” shouldn't we specify “the limit of the spectral sequence of Lemma 12.24.2 exists”?
  2. In the proof, second sentence, instead of , , shouldn't one write , ? (We are working over an abelian category that might not satisfy AB3.)
Elías Guisado Tue, 02 Jul 2024 03:17:35 GMT
#9487 on tag 012F by Elías Guisado A new comment by Elías Guisado on tag 012F.
  • In the statement, instead of “the limit exists” shouldn't we specify “the limit of the spectral sequence of Lemma 12.23.2 exists”?
  • In the proof, second sentence, instead of , , shouldn't one write , ? (We are working over an abelian category that might not satisfy AB3.)
  • ]]>
    Elías Guisado Mon, 01 Jul 2024 12:42:03 GMT
    #9486 on tag 012C by Elías Guisado A new comment by Elías Guisado on tag 012C. Typo: In the statement, I think the very last equality should be .

    Elías Guisado Mon, 01 Jul 2024 09:20:02 GMT
    #9485 on tag 01JA by Ziqiang Cui A new comment by Ziqiang Cui on tag 01JA. Can you please explain why in the proof of lemma 26.14.1 the commutative diagram imply the isomorphism of sheaves . What I think is all three morphisms in the commutative diagram are isomorphisms and hence induce a sequence of isomorphisms . But I could be wrong.

    Ziqiang Cui Sat, 29 Jun 2024 01:11:56 GMT
    #9484 on tag 00AK by Ziyu Lü A new comment by Ziyu Lü on tag 00AK. Maybe a easy question but why in Lemma 6.33.2 is isomorphism. Let be open for fixed . Let then for any other index , is uniquely determined by the image of . In detail, we construct and , where in the second map if , otherwise set . And they are mutually inverses.

    Ziyu Lü Sat, 29 Jun 2024 05:34:25 GMT
    #9483 on tag 01CM by Huang A new comment by Huang on tag 01CM. Should Lemma 17.22.2.(1) be correct only for being coherent(or finite presentation), then it follows from the stalk isomorphism of intern Hom, while the general case the proof would not go through since surjective of sheaves only implies surjective on the stalk level?

    Huang Sat, 29 Jun 2024 01:27:16 GMT
    #9482 on tag 0AMJ by Elías Guisado A new comment by Elías Guisado on tag 0AMJ. The diagram should compile like this. I don't know why Mathjax doesn't compile it well here in the Stacks Project (same happened to me in #6829).

    Elías Guisado Fri, 28 Jun 2024 05:28:34 GMT
    #9481 on tag 0AMJ by Elías Guisado A new comment by Elías Guisado on tag 0AMJ. How one can describe exactly how is induced? What I thought is to define as the connecting homomorphism arisen from the snake lemma applied to the commutative diagram with exact rows Note that this also gives a description of in Lemma 12.21.2 if . I don't know if there is another way, though. The footnote seems to be using something else, instead of the snake lemma.

    Elías Guisado Fri, 28 Jun 2024 05:21:58 GMT
    #9480 on tag 011U by Elías Guisado A new comment by Elías Guisado on tag 011U. Maybe in the list of properties (1) – (3) to be found before Definition 12.22.5 one could mention Lemma 12.21.4? It seems it is what one needs.

    Elías Guisado Thu, 27 Jun 2024 12:02:06 GMT