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History of tag 04DZ

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type time link
changed the statement 2017-08-01 d9448f5
Reference for 04DZ.
changed the proof 2015-09-26 5359b6a
Second proof for topological invariance etale site

This is the proof of the equivalence of etale sites under a
universal homeomorphism. The first proof uses the very delicate
arguments about comparison of sites in various forms earlier
in the chapter on etale cohomology. This material is kinda
hard to read and maybe a bit nonstandard. The new proof
is just like the proof in SGA 1 and uses the descent for
etale morphisms along surjective integral morphisms + the
topological invariance for thickenings... In fact in some
sense the new proof may very well be harder, but it seems
at least easier to break it up into parts which have meaning...
changed the proof 2014-01-26 1a25072
Start explaining Gabber's argument
changed the proof 2013-08-03 dba86b5
pell check: words starting with n, o, p, q, r, N, O, P, Q, or R
changed the proof 2011-06-09 76acad1
Moving lemmas for clarity

	Following a suggestion of David Rydh we tried to collect results
	related to universally injective unramified morphisms into one
	place. We did not completely succeed, but hopefully the end
	result is still an improvement!
changed the proof 2011-03-30 630c061
Wrap up proof

	of topological invariance of X_{spaces, etale} for integral,
	universally injective, and surjective morphisms. It seems to me
	this is an open question when you only assume the morphism is a
	universal homeomorphism... Anybody?
changed the proof 2011-03-29 ee75333
Bunch of changes

	(1) Starting to write about thickenings of algebraic spaces
	(2) Change Omega^1_{X/S} to Omega_{X/S}
	(3) Introduced universal homeomorphisms for algebraic spaces
	(4) If X ---> Y is a surjective, integral morphism of schemes
	and X is an affine scheme, then Y is an affine scheme
	(4) Topological invariance of the site X_{spaces, etale} of an
	algebraic space X (proof unfinished}

	In order to see that also X_{etale} is a topological invariant
	we (I think) need to prove the following result: If X --> Y is a
	integral, universally injective, surjective morphism of
	algebraic spaces then X is a scheme if and only if Y is a
	scheme. There are two proofs of this result in the literature
	(one by David Rydh and one by Brian Conrad); both reduce the
	result to the Noetherian case by limit arguments. I would
	prefer a more direct argument...
changed the statement and the proof 2010-10-09 97a5c76
Begin translating etale to \'etale or \acute{e}tale (in Math mode).
changed the proof 2010-06-06 b504204
Etale local on the source-and-target

	Absurdly detailed discussion of three different notions of what
	it can mean for a property of morphisms of schemes to be etale
	local on the source and target. We choose the strongest of the
	three to avoid confusion that will inevitably arise when picking
	one of the other two. Moreover, it will be nicely compatible
	with the notion (to be introduced in the next commit) of what it
	means for a property of morphisms of germs to be etale local on
	the source and target.
changed the proof 2010-03-30 02cad0a
Exclamation --> period.
created statement with label theorem-topological-invariance in etale-cohomology.tex 2010-03-28 c86d591
Large commit

	Just trying to recover from the brain dead mistakes made over
	the last few weeks. Hopefully most of it is now more or less OK.
assigned tag 04DZ 2010-03-28 c86d591
Large commit

	Just trying to recover from the brain dead mistakes made over
	the last few weeks. Hopefully most of it is now more or less OK.