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61 Pro-étale Cohomology
Section 61.1: Introduction
Section 61.2: Some topology
Section 61.3: Local isomorphisms
Section 61.4: Ind-Zariski algebra
Section 61.5: Constructing w-local affine schemes
Section 61.6: Identifying local rings versus ind-Zariski
Section 61.7: Ind-étale algebra
Section 61.8: Constructing ind-étale algebras
Section 61.9: Weakly étale versus pro-étale
Section 61.10: The V topology and the pro-h topology
Section 61.11: Constructing w-contractible covers
Section 61.12: The pro-étale site
Section 61.13: Weakly contractible objects
Section 61.14: Weakly contractible hypercoverings
Section 61.15: Compact generation
Section 61.16: Comparing topologies
Section 61.17: Comparing big and small topoi
Section 61.18: Points of the pro-étale site
Section 61.19: Comparison with the étale site
Section 61.20: Derived completion in the constant Noetherian case
Section 61.21: Derived completion and weakly contractible objects
Section 61.22: Cohomology of a point
Section 61.23: Functoriality of the pro-étale site
Section 61.24: Finite morphisms and pro-étale sites
Section 61.25: Closed immersions and pro-étale sites
Section 61.26: Extension by zero
Section 61.27: Constructible sheaves on the pro-étale site
Section 61.28: Constructible adic sheaves
Section 61.29: A suitable derived category
Section 61.30: Proper base change
Section 61.31: Change of partial universe