History of tag 06N9
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changed the proof
2015-03-12 |
31ebcda |
Fix references because our script complained
changed the statement and the proof
2015-03-12 |
ac0e934 |
sober spaces
here are some small edits to topology.tex
1) in "basic notions" i added "discrete space" and "indiscrete space" -
they seem to be not defined before their first occurence.
2) in "irreducible components" i improved/added some results and
examples on kolmogorv and sober spaces. to treat them as systematic as
possible i also mentioned quasi-sober spaces.
suggestion/comment on notation in topology: you denote closure operation
by \overline{...}. this can be confusing when taking closure wrt several
distinct subspaces. i suggest introducing and using (where necessary)
something like cl_X(...) (with the index omitted if not necessary). (and
of course then also its relatives in_X, fr_X...)
assigned tag 06N9
2011-06-15 |
Tags: Added new tags
created statement with label lemma-sober-local in topology.tex
2011-06-11 |
af0131e |
Topology lemma used in describing |X| for X qc alg space