History of tag 07HT
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type |
time |
link |
changed the proof
2024-06-05 |
9f6cc4f |
Small edits in crystalline
Thanks to Xiangru Zeng
changed the proof
2019-09-02 |
53158d9 |
Thanks to Dario Weissmann
changed the proof
2019-08-30 |
1967dec |
Replace argument by a better one
Thanks to Dario Weissmann
changed the statement
2013-12-22 |
e179438 |
Introduced a macro
and replace all occurrences of \text{Ker} with \Ker
assigned tag 07HT
2012-02-12 |
Tags: Added new tags
changed the proof
2012-02-09 |
17f010b |
Crystals in QCoh <---> Modules with connections
This is really an essentially trivial observation, but there is
a lot of notation that obfuscates what is going on.
changed the statement and the proof
2012-02-05 |
a51f3f8 |
Fix some notation regarding divided power differentials
Also some of the formulas regarding the explicit
thickenings were wrong.
changed the proof
2012-01-19 |
262b688 |
A bit more on modules and connections
changed the proof
2012-01-17 |
e1d127e |
Affine crystalline site
and compatibility with module of differentials
changed the statement and the proof
2012-01-17 |
b23c3c1 |
Correct version lemma on differentials.
changed the statement and the proof
2012-01-16 |
aa9825f |
Two errors, one fixed
created statement with label lemma-diagonal-and-differentials in crystalline.tex
2012-01-16 |
a3e1845 |
Divided power algebras...