History of tag 0B07
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changed the statement
2015-03-27 |
bf36b59 |
Improvements to intersection.tex
Thanks to Dmitry Korb for help simplifying the proof of 0B0W
Thanks to Ashwin Deopurkar finding a mistake in the proof of 0B1V
Other changes: work in a bit greater generality, especially in the
earlier lemmas. This is useful, because it allows us to work locally on
X in order to prove equalities of cycles.
Also added: a remark on how to reformulate the moving lemma in order to
make the proof of existence of the intersection product work for
nonsingular quasi-projective varieties (nor just projective ones).
changed the statement and the proof
2015-02-12 |
1bf4d39 |
Reformulate moving
Everything is now quite precise and only one proof is missing.
changed the statement
2015-02-11 |
2658557 |
Proof that intersection product is well defined
For rational equivalence. Fun!
changed the proof
2015-01-28 |
5793af4 |
Small changes to intersection.tex
assigned tag 0B07
2015-01-27 |
Tags: Added new tags
changed the statement
2015-01-27 |
d1b80aa |
Discussion of Tors in intersection.tex
created statement with label lemma-rational-equivalence-and-intersection in intersection.tex
2015-01-27 |
7e2e7f4 |
Added a new chapter entitled "Intersection Theory"
This chapter will be about defining the Chow ring of a smooth projective
variety over an algebraically closed field. We will use it in the
graduate student seminar here at Columbia University.