Loading [MathJax]/extensions/tex2jax.js

The Stacks project


Markdown is a markup language designed to be intuitive. In a way it tries to mimick what you do if you are writing an email and you're adding emphasis, titles, lists, etc. An example:

A *little emphasis*, a **lot**.

  * list
  * list
  * list

  Some math: $\varphi\colon X\to Y$, see Tag \ref{04FW}.

  1. another list
  2. list

You can use the preview option (if JavaScript is enabled in your browser) when writing a comment to check your comment before submit.

LaTeX and Markdown

Here at the Stacks project we try to merge Markdown and LaTeX for the comments system. You can write mathematics just like you're used in LaTeX, i.e. stuff like $\pi$ and


just works. This is done using MathJax (so you need to enable JavaScript).

Gerby Flavored Markdown

Inspired by GitHub Flavored Markdown which is an extension of ordinary Markdown by things belonging specifically to GitHub (like referencing commits, users, etc.) we have created Gerby Flavored Markdown, or GFM.

  1. As discussed before you can use LaTeX-style mathematics the way you are used to.
  2. You can refer to tags by using \ref{tag}. So \ref{0001} will automatically be converted to 0001.