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3.2 Everything is a set

Most mathematicians think of set theory as providing the basic foundations for mathematics. So how does this really work? For example, how do we translate the sentence “X is a scheme” into set theory? Well, we just unravel the definitions: A scheme is a locally ringed space such that every point has an open neighbourhood which is an affine scheme. A locally ringed space is a ringed space such that every stalk of the structure sheaf is a local ring. A ringed space is a pair (X, \mathcal{O}_ X) consisting of a topological space X and a sheaf of rings \mathcal{O}_ X on it. A topological space is a pair (X, \tau ) consisting of a set X and a set of subsets \tau \subset \mathcal{P}(X) satisfying the axioms of a topology. And so on and so forth.

So how, given a set S would we recognize whether it is a scheme? The first thing we look for is whether the set S is an ordered pair. This is defined (see [Jech], page 7) as saying that S has the form (a, b) := \{ \{ a\} , \{ a, b\} \} for some sets a, b. If this is the case, then we would take a look to see whether a is an ordered pair (c, d). If so we would check whether d \subset \mathcal{P}(c), and if so whether d forms the collection of sets for a topology on the set c. And so on and so forth.

So even though it would take a considerable amount of work to write a complete formula \phi _{scheme}(x) with one free variable x in set theory that expresses the notion “x is a scheme”, it is possible to do so. The same thing should be true for any mathematical object.

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