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5.17 Characterizing proper maps

We include a section discussing the notion of a proper map in usual topology. We define a continuous map of topological spaces to be proper if it is universally closed and separated. Although this matches well with the definition of a proper morphism in algebraic geometry, this is different from the definition in Bourbaki. With our definition of a proper map of topological spaces, the proper base change theorem (Cohomology, Theorem 20.18.2) holds without any further assumptions. Furthermore, given a morphism f : X \to Y of finite type schemes over \mathbf{C} one has: f is proper as a morphism of schemes if and only if the continuous map f : X(\mathbf{C}) \to Y(\mathbf{C}) on \mathbf{C}-points with the classical topology is proper. This is explained in [Exp. XII, Prop. 3.2(v), SGA1] which also has a footnote pointing out that they take properness in topology to be Bourbaki's notion with separatedness added on.

We find it useful to have names for three distinct concepts: separated, universally closed, and both of those together (i.e., properness). For a continuous map f : X \to Y of locally compact Hausdorff spaces the word “proper” has long been used for the notion “f^{-1}(compact) = compact” and this is equivalent to universal closedness for such nice spaces. In fact, we will see the preimage condition formulated for clarity using the word “quasi-compact” is equivalent to universal closedness in general, if one includes the assumption of the map being closed. See also [Exercises 22-26 in Chapter II, LangReal] but beware that Lang uses “proper” as a synonym for “universally closed”, like Bourbaki does.

Lemma 5.17.1 (Tube lemma). Let X and Y be topological spaces. Let A \subset X and B \subset Y be quasi-compact subsets. Let A \times B \subset W \subset X \times Y with W open in X \times Y. Then there exists opens A \subset U \subset X and B \subset V \subset Y such that U \times V \subset W.

Proof. For every a \in A and b \in B there exist opens U_{(a, b)} of X and V_{(a, b)} of Y such that (a, b) \in U_{(a, b)} \times V_{(a, b)} \subset W. Fix b and we see there exist a finite number a_1, \ldots , a_ n such that A \subset U_{(a_1, b)} \cup \ldots \cup U_{(a_ n, b)}. Hence

A \times \{ b\} \subset (U_{(a_1, b)} \cup \ldots \cup U_{(a_ n, b)}) \times (V_{(a_1, b)} \cap \ldots \cap V_{(a_ n, b)}) \subset W.

Thus for every b \in B there exists opens U_ b \subset X and V_ b \subset Y such that A \times \{ b\} \subset U_ b \times V_ b \subset W. As above there exist a finite number b_1, \ldots , b_ m such that B \subset V_{b_1} \cup \ldots \cup V_{b_ m}. Then we win because A \times B \subset (U_{b_1} \cap \ldots \cap U_{b_ m}) \times (V_{b_1} \cup \ldots \cup V_{b_ m}). \square

The notation in the following definition may be slightly different from what you are used to.

Definition 5.17.2. Let f : X\to Y be a continuous map between topological spaces.

  1. We say that the map f is closed if the image of every closed subset is closed.

  2. We say that the map f is Bourbaki-proper1 if the map Z \times X\to Z \times Y is closed for any topological space Z.

  3. We say that the map f is quasi-proper if the inverse image f^{-1}(V) of every quasi-compact subset V \subset Y is quasi-compact.

  4. We say that f is universally closed if the map f': Z \times _ Y X \to Z is closed for any continuous map g: Z \to Y.

  5. We say that f is proper if f is separated and universally closed.

The following lemma is useful later.

Lemma 5.17.3.reference A topological space X is quasi-compact if and only if the projection map Z \times X \to Z is closed for any topological space Z.

Proof. (See also remark below.) If X is not quasi-compact, there exists an open covering X = \bigcup _{i \in I} U_ i such that no finite number of U_ i cover X. Let Z be the subset of the power set \mathcal{P}(I) of I consisting of I and all nonempty finite subsets of I. Define a topology on Z with as a basis for the topology the following sets:

  1. All subsets of Z\setminus \{ I\} .

  2. For every finite subset K of I the set U_ K := \{ J\subset I \mid J \in Z, \ K\subset J \} ).

It is left to the reader to verify this is the basis for a topology. Consider the subset of Z \times X defined by the formula

M = \{ (J, x) \mid J \in Z, \ x \in \bigcap \nolimits _{i \in J} U_ i^ c)\}

If (J, x) \not\in M, then x \in U_ i for some i \in J. Hence U_{\{ i\} } \times U_ i \subset Z \times X is an open subset containing (J, x) and not intersecting M. Hence M is closed. The projection of M to Z is Z-\{ I\} which is not closed. Hence Z \times X \to Z is not closed.

Assume X is quasi-compact. Let Z be a topological space. Let M \subset Z \times X be closed. Let z \in Z be a point which is not in \text{pr}_1(M). By the Tube Lemma 5.17.1 there exists an open U \subset Z such that U \times X is contained in the complement of M. Hence \text{pr}_1(M) is closed. \square

Theorem 5.17.5.reference Let f: X\to Y be a continuous map between topological spaces. The following conditions are equivalent:

  1. The map f is quasi-proper and closed.

  2. The map f is Bourbaki-proper.

  3. The map f is universally closed.

  4. The map f is closed and f^{-1}(y) is quasi-compact for any y\in Y.

Proof. (See also the remark below.) If the map f satisfies (1), it automatically satisfies (4) because any single point is quasi-compact.

Assume map f satisfies (4). We will prove it is universally closed, i.e., (3) holds. Let g : Z \to Y be a continuous map of topological spaces and consider the diagram

\xymatrix{ Z \times _ Y X \ar[r]_{g'} \ar[d]_{f'} & X \ar[d]^ f \\ Z \ar[r]^ g & Y }

During the proof we will use that Z \times _ Y X \to Z \times X is a homeomorphism onto its image, i.e., that we may identify Z \times _ Y X with the corresponding subset of Z \times X with the induced topology. The image of f' : Z \times _ Y X \to Z is \mathop{\mathrm{Im}}(f') = \{ z : g(z) \in f(X)\} . Because f(X) is closed, we see that \mathop{\mathrm{Im}}(f') is a closed subspace of Z. Consider a closed subset P \subset Z \times _ Y X. Let z \in Z, z \not\in f'(P). If z \not\in \mathop{\mathrm{Im}}(f'), then Z \setminus \mathop{\mathrm{Im}}(f') is an open neighbourhood which avoids f'(P). If z is in \mathop{\mathrm{Im}}(f') then (f')^{-1}\{ z\} = \{ z\} \times f^{-1}\{ g(z)\} and f^{-1}\{ g(z)\} is quasi-compact by assumption. Because P is a closed subset of Z \times _ Y X, we have a closed P' of Z \times X such that P = P' \cap Z \times _ Y X. Since (f')^{-1}\{ z\} is a subset of P^ c = P'^ c \cup (Z \times _ Y X)^ c, and since (f')^{-1}\{ z\} is disjoint from (Z \times _ Y X)^ c we see that (f')^{-1}\{ z\} is contained in P'^ c. We may apply the Tube Lemma 5.17.1 to (f')^{-1}\{ z\} = \{ z\} \times f^{-1}\{ g(z)\} \subset (P')^ c \subset Z \times X. This gives V \times U containing (f')^{-1}\{ z\} where U and V are open sets in X and Z respectively and V \times U has empty intersection with P'. Then the set V \cap g^{-1}(Y-f(U^ c)) is open in Z since f is closed, contains z, and has empty intersection with the image of P. Thus f'(P) is closed. In other words, the map f is universally closed.

The implication (3) \Rightarrow (2) is trivial. Namely, given any topological space Z consider the projection morphism g : Z \times Y \to Y. Then it is easy to see that f' is the map Z \times X \to Z \times Y, in other words that (Z \times Y) \times _ Y X = Z \times X. (This identification is a purely categorical property having nothing to do with topological spaces per se.)

Assume f satisfies (2). We will prove it satisfies (1). Note that f is closed as f can be identified with the map \{ pt\} \times X \to \{ pt\} \times Y which is assumed closed. Choose any quasi-compact subset K \subset Y. Let Z be any topological space. Because Z \times X \to Z \times Y is closed we see the map Z \times f^{-1}(K) \to Z \times K is closed (if T is closed in Z \times f^{-1}(K), write T = Z \times f^{-1}(K) \cap T' for some closed T' \subset Z \times X). Because K is quasi-compact, K \times Z\to Z is closed by Lemma 5.17.3. Hence the composition Z \times f^{-1}(K)\to Z \times K \to Z is closed and therefore f^{-1}(K) must be quasi-compact by Lemma 5.17.3 again. \square

Remark 5.17.6. Here are some references to the literature. In [I, p. 75, Theorem 1, Bourbaki] you can find: (2) \Leftrightarrow (4). In [I, p. 77, Proposition 6, Bourbaki] you can find: (2) \Rightarrow (1). Of course, trivially we have (1) \Rightarrow (4). Thus (1), (2) and (4) are equivalent. The equivalence of (3) and (4) is [Chapter II, Exercise 25, LangReal].

Lemma 5.17.7.slogan Let f : X \to Y be a continuous map of topological spaces. If X is quasi-compact and Y is Hausdorff, then f is universally closed.

Proof. Since every point of Y is closed, we see from Lemma 5.12.3 that the closed subset f^{-1}(y) of X is quasi-compact for all y \in Y. Thus, by Theorem 5.17.5 it suffices to show that f is closed. If E \subset X is closed, then it is quasi-compact (Lemma 5.12.3), hence f(E) \subset Y is quasi-compact (Lemma 5.12.7), hence f(E) is closed in Y (Lemma 5.12.4). \square

Lemma 5.17.8. Let f : X \to Y be a continuous map of topological spaces. If f is bijective, X is quasi-compact, and Y is Hausdorff, then f is a homeomorphism.

Proof. It suffices to prove f is closed, because this implies that f^{-1} is continuous. If T \subset X is closed, then T is quasi-compact by Lemma 5.12.3, hence f(T) is quasi-compact by Lemma 5.12.7, hence f(T) is closed by Lemma 5.12.4. \square

[1] This is the terminology used in [Bourbaki]. Sometimes this property may be called “universally closed” in the literature.

Comments (2)

Comment #465 by Hanno on

Concerning Theorem 5.16.5, implication (4) => (3).

-line -3: Replace the last two sentences of the proof by: Then the set is open in since is closed, contains and has empty intersection with the image of

typos: -two times it should be instead of -line -3: instead of

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