History of tag 00R4
Go back to the tag's page.
type |
time |
link |
changed the proof
2023-01-18 |
98fb792 |
m_R not m
Thanks to Xiaolong Liu
changed the statement
2020-06-15 |
f8b4c56 |
Slogan for miracle flatness
Thanks to Remy van Dobben de Bruyn
changed the statement and the proof
2015-03-27 |
84e08c0 |
Upgrade an algebra lemma
changed the proof
2012-05-10 |
3f35f36 |
zerodivisor and nonzerodivisor
Seems better this way.
changed the statement and the proof
2011-12-19 |
07e9043 |
Flatness criterion improved
Lemma: R ---> S local, R regular, S CM, dim(R) = dim(S), and
special fibre 1 point. Then R ---> S is flat.
Previously the hypotheses included finiteness of the map which
is too strong.
Also added: standard lemma about syntomic ring maps and
assigned tag 00R4
2009-05-16 |
Started tags infrastructure
new file: scripts/add_tags.py
modified: scripts/functions.py
new file: tags/initial_tags
new file: tags/tags
created statement with label lemma-CM-over-regular-flat in algebra.tex
2009-01-15 |
45e764e |
Trying to add ``critere de platitude par fibres''
modified: algebra.tex