10 Commutative Algebra
Section 10.1: Introduction
Section 10.2: Conventions
Section 10.3: Basic notions
Section 10.4: Snake lemma
Section 10.5: Finite modules and finitely presented modules
Section 10.6: Ring maps of finite type and of finite presentation
Section 10.7: Finite ring maps
Section 10.8: Colimits
Section 10.9: Localization
Section 10.10: Internal Hom
Section 10.11: Characterizing finite and finitely presented modules
Section 10.12: Tensor products
Section 10.13: Tensor algebra
Section 10.14: Base change
Section 10.15: Miscellany
Section 10.16: Cayley-Hamilton
Section 10.17: The spectrum of a ring
Section 10.18: Local rings
Section 10.19: The Jacobson radical of a ring
Section 10.20: Nakayama's lemma
Section 10.21: Open and closed subsets of spectra
Section 10.22: Connected components of spectra
Section 10.23: Glueing properties
Section 10.24: Glueing functions
Section 10.25: Zerodivisors and total rings of fractions
Section 10.26: Irreducible components of spectra
Section 10.27: Examples of spectra of rings
Section 10.28: A meta-observation about prime ideals
Section 10.29: Images of ring maps of finite presentation
Section 10.30: More on images
Section 10.31: Noetherian rings
Section 10.32: Locally nilpotent ideals
Section 10.33: Curiosity
Section 10.34: Hilbert Nullstellensatz
Section 10.35: Jacobson rings
Section 10.36: Finite and integral ring extensions
Section 10.37: Normal rings
Section 10.38: Going down for integral over normal
Section 10.39: Flat modules and flat ring maps
Section 10.40: Supports and annihilators
Section 10.41: Going up and going down
Section 10.42: Separable extensions
Section 10.43: Geometrically reduced algebras
Section 10.44: Separable extensions, continued
Section 10.45: Perfect fields
Section 10.46: Universal homeomorphisms
Section 10.47: Geometrically irreducible algebras
Section 10.48: Geometrically connected algebras
Section 10.49: Geometrically integral algebras
Section 10.50: Valuation rings
Section 10.51: More Noetherian rings
Section 10.52: Length
Section 10.53: Artinian rings
Section 10.54: Homomorphisms essentially of finite type
Section 10.55: K-groups
Section 10.56: Graded rings
Section 10.57: Proj of a graded ring
Section 10.58: Noetherian graded rings
Section 10.59: Noetherian local rings
Section 10.60: Dimension
Section 10.61: Applications of dimension theory
Section 10.62: Support and dimension of modules
Section 10.63: Associated primes
Section 10.64: Symbolic powers
Section 10.65: Relative assassin
Section 10.66: Weakly associated primes
Section 10.67: Embedded primes
Section 10.68: Regular sequences
Section 10.69: Quasi-regular sequences
Section 10.70: Blow up algebras
Section 10.71: Ext groups
Section 10.72: Depth
Section 10.73: Functorialities for Ext
Section 10.74: An application of Ext groups
Section 10.75: Tor groups and flatness
Section 10.76: Functorialities for Tor
Section 10.77: Projective modules
Section 10.78: Finite projective modules
Section 10.79: Open loci defined by module maps
Section 10.80: Faithfully flat descent for projectivity of modules
Section 10.81: Characterizing flatness
Section 10.82: Universally injective module maps
Section 10.83: Descent for finite projective modules
Section 10.84: Transfinite dévissage of modules
Section 10.85: Projective modules over a local ring
Section 10.86: Mittag-Leffler systems
Section 10.87: Inverse systems
Section 10.88: Mittag-Leffler modules
Section 10.89: Interchanging direct products with tensor
Section 10.90: Coherent rings
Section 10.91: Examples and non-examples of Mittag-Leffler modules
Section 10.92: Countably generated Mittag-Leffler modules
Section 10.93: Characterizing projective modules
Section 10.94: Ascending properties of modules
Section 10.95: Descending properties of modules
Section 10.96: Completion
Section 10.97: Completion for Noetherian rings
Section 10.98: Taking limits of modules
Section 10.99: Criteria for flatness
Section 10.100: Base change and flatness
Section 10.101: Flatness criteria over Artinian rings
Section 10.102: What makes a complex exact?
Section 10.103: Cohen-Macaulay modules
Section 10.104: Cohen-Macaulay rings
Section 10.105: Catenary rings
Section 10.106: Regular local rings
Section 10.107: Epimorphisms of rings
Section 10.108: Pure ideals
Section 10.109: Rings of finite global dimension
Section 10.110: Regular rings and global dimension
Section 10.111: Auslander-Buchsbaum
Section 10.112: Homomorphisms and dimension
Section 10.113: The dimension formula
Section 10.114: Dimension of finite type algebras over fields
Section 10.115: Noether normalization
Section 10.116: Dimension of finite type algebras over fields, reprise
Section 10.117: Dimension of graded algebras over a field
Section 10.118: Generic flatness
Section 10.119: Around Krull-Akizuki
Section 10.120: Factorization
Section 10.121: Orders of vanishing
Section 10.122: Quasi-finite maps
Section 10.123: Zariski's Main Theorem
Section 10.124: Applications of Zariski's Main Theorem
Section 10.125: Dimension of fibres
Section 10.126: Algebras and modules of finite presentation
Section 10.127: Colimits and maps of finite presentation
Section 10.128: More flatness criteria
Section 10.129: Openness of the flat locus
Section 10.130: Openness of Cohen-Macaulay loci
Section 10.131: Differentials
Section 10.132: The de Rham complex
Section 10.133: Finite order differential operators
Section 10.134: The naive cotangent complex
Section 10.135: Local complete intersections
Section 10.136: Syntomic morphisms
Section 10.137: Smooth ring maps
Section 10.138: Formally smooth maps
Section 10.139: Smoothness and differentials
Section 10.140: Smooth algebras over fields
Section 10.141: Smooth ring maps in the Noetherian case
Section 10.142: Overview of results on smooth ring maps
Section 10.143: Étale ring maps
Section 10.144: Local structure of étale ring maps
Section 10.145: Étale local structure of quasi-finite ring maps
Section 10.146: Local homomorphisms
Section 10.147: Integral closure and smooth base change
Section 10.148: Formally unramified maps
Section 10.149: Conormal modules and universal thickenings
Section 10.150: Formally étale maps
Section 10.151: Unramified ring maps
Section 10.152: Local structure of unramified ring maps
Section 10.153: Henselian local rings
Section 10.154: Filtered colimits of étale ring maps
Section 10.155: Henselization and strict henselization
Section 10.156: Henselization and quasi-finite ring maps
Section 10.157: Serre's criterion for normality
Section 10.158: Formal smoothness of fields
Section 10.159: Constructing flat ring maps
Section 10.160: The Cohen structure theorem
Section 10.161: Japanese rings
Section 10.162: Nagata rings
Section 10.163: Ascending properties
Section 10.164: Descending properties
Section 10.165: Geometrically normal algebras
Section 10.166: Geometrically regular algebras
Section 10.167: Geometrically Cohen-Macaulay algebras
Section 10.168: Colimits and maps of finite presentation, II