Lemma 10.162.18. Let $(A, \mathfrak m)$ be a Noetherian local domain which is Nagata and has fraction field of characteristic $p$. If $a \in A$ has a $p$th root in $A^\wedge $, then $a$ has a $p$th root in $A$.
Proof. Consider the ring extension $A \subset B = A[x]/(x^ p - a)$. If $a$ does not have a $p$th root in $A$, then $B$ is a domain whose completion isn't reduced. This contradicts our earlier results, as $B$ is a Nagata ring (Proposition 10.162.15) and hence analytically unramified by Lemma 10.162.13. $\square$
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Comment #2498 by Johan on
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Comment #9827 by Jonas on
Comment #9828 by Jonas on
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