Example 10.162.17. A discrete valuation ring is Nagata if and only if it is N-2 (because the quotient by the maximal ideal is a field and hence N-2). The discrete valuation ring A of Example 10.119.5 is not Nagata, i.e., it is not N-2. Namely, the finite extension A \subset R = A[f] is not N-1. To see this say f = \sum a_ i x^ i. For every n \geq 1 set g_ n = \sum _{i < n} a_ i x^ i \in A. Then h_ n = (f - g_ n)/x^ n is an element of the fraction field of R and h_ n^ p \in k^ p[[x]] \subset A. Hence the integral closure R' of R contains h_1, h_2, h_3, \ldots . Now, if R' were finite over R and hence A, then f = x^ n h_ n + g_ n would be contained in the submodule A + x^ nR' for all n. By Artin-Rees this would imply f \in A (Lemma 10.51.4), a contradiction.
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