Lemma 10.160.6. Let p be a prime number. Let k be a field of characteristic p. There exists a Cohen ring \Lambda with \Lambda /p\Lambda \cong k.
Proof. First note that the p-adic integers \mathbf{Z}_ p form a Cohen ring for \mathbf{F}_ p. Let k be an arbitrary field of characteristic p. Let \mathbf{Z}_ p \to R be a flat local ring map such that \mathfrak m_ R = pR and R/pR = k, see Lemma 10.159.1. By Lemma 10.97.5 the completion \Lambda = R^\wedge is Noetherian. It is a complete Noetherian local ring with maximal ideal (p) as \Lambda /p\Lambda = R/pR is a field (use Lemma 10.96.3). Since \mathbf{Z}_ p \to R \to \Lambda is flat (by Lemma 10.97.2) we see that p is a nonzerodivisor in \Lambda . Hence \Lambda has dimension \geq 1 (Lemma 10.60.13) and we conclude that \Lambda is regular of dimension 1, i.e., a discrete valuation ring by Lemma 10.119.7. We conclude \Lambda is a Cohen ring for k. \square
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