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[Theorem 15, Matlis]. The slick proof given here is from an email of Bjorn Poonen dated Nov 5, 2016.

Lemma 10.96.3. Let $R$ be a ring. Let $I$ be a finitely generated ideal of $R$. Let $M$ be an $R$-module. Then

  1. the completion $M^\wedge $ is $I$-adically complete, and

  2. $I^ nM^\wedge = \mathop{\mathrm{Ker}}(M^\wedge \to M/I^ nM) = (I^ nM)^\wedge $ for all $n \geq 1$.

In particular $R^\wedge $ is $I$-adically complete, $I^ nR^\wedge = (I^ n)^\wedge $, and $R^\wedge /I^ nR^\wedge = R/I^ n$.

Proof. Since $I$ is finitely generated, $I^ n$ is finitely generated, say by $f_1, \ldots , f_ r$. Applying Lemma 10.96.1 part (2) to the surjection $(f_1, \ldots , f_ r) : M^{\oplus r} \to I^ n M$ yields a surjection

\[ (M^\wedge )^{\oplus r} \xrightarrow {(f_1, \ldots , f_ r)} (I^ n M)^\wedge = \mathop{\mathrm{lim}}\nolimits _{m \geq n} I^ n M/I^ m M = \mathop{\mathrm{Ker}}(M^\wedge \to M/I^ n M). \]

On the other hand, the image of $(f_1, \ldots , f_ r) : (M^\wedge )^{\oplus r} \to M^\wedge $ is $I^ n M^\wedge $. Thus $M^\wedge / I^ n M^\wedge \simeq M/I^ n M$. Taking inverse limits yields $(M^\wedge )^\wedge \simeq M^\wedge $; that is, $M^\wedge $ is $I$-adically complete. $\square$

Comments (6)

Comment #3282 by Nicolas on

The proof doesn't seem to use that is finitely generated.

Comment #3283 by Dario on

Rather subtle: The terms 'finite direct sum' and 'finite product' coincide. As limits commute we have .

Comment #4550 by 羽山籍真 on

The comment left by Nicolas is reasonable. In fact, this Lemma is true in more general case, provided that the -adically completions exist. See, for instance, [Fujiwara. K and Kato. F, The foundation of Rigid Geometry I, Def. 7.2.6 and Prop. 7.2.7]

Comment #4551 by on

Dear 羽山籍真, I think this lemma corresponds to 7.2.16 in their text and that one isn't more general.

Comment #4552 by 羽山籍真 on

Dear John, yes of course, so this Prop. has the mild condition (finitely generated ideal) to make sure that I-adic completion exists. (But I still don't know if finitely generated ideal is necessary)

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