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Lemma 10.119.7. Let A be a ring. The following are equivalent.

  1. The ring A is a discrete valuation ring.

  2. The ring A is a valuation ring and Noetherian but not a field.

  3. The ring A is a regular local ring of dimension 1.

  4. The ring A is a Noetherian local domain with maximal ideal \mathfrak m generated by a single nonzero element.

  5. The ring A is a Noetherian local normal domain of dimension 1.

In this case if \pi is a generator of the maximal ideal of A, then every element of A can be uniquely written as u\pi ^ n, where u \in A is a unit.

Proof. The equivalence of (1) and (2) is Lemma 10.50.18. Moreover, in the proof of Lemma 10.50.18 we saw that if A is a discrete valuation ring, then A is a PID, hence (3). Note that a regular local ring is a domain (see Lemma 10.106.2). Using this the equivalence of (3) and (4) follows from dimension theory, see Section 10.60.

Assume (3) and let \pi be a generator of the maximal ideal \mathfrak m. For all n \geq 0 we have \dim _{A/\mathfrak m} \mathfrak m^ n/\mathfrak m^{n + 1} = 1 because it is generated by \pi ^ n (and it cannot be zero). In particular \mathfrak m^ n = (\pi ^ n) and the graded ring \bigoplus \mathfrak m^ n/\mathfrak m^{n + 1} is isomorphic to the polynomial ring A/\mathfrak m[T]. For x \in A \setminus \{ 0\} define v(x) = \max \{ n \mid x \in \mathfrak m^ n\} . In other words x = u \pi ^{v(x)} with u \in A^*. By the remarks above we have v(xy) = v(x) + v(y) for all x, y \in A \setminus \{ 0\} . We extend this to the field of fractions K of A by setting v(a/b) = v(a) - v(b) (well defined by multiplicativity shown above). Then it is clear that A is the set of elements of K which have valuation \geq 0. Hence we see that A is a valuation ring by Lemma 10.50.16.

A valuation ring is a normal domain by Lemma 10.50.3. Hence we see that the equivalent conditions (1) – (3) imply (5). Assume (5). Suppose that \mathfrak m cannot be generated by 1 element to get a contradiction. Then Lemma 10.119.3 implies there is a finite ring map A \to A' which is an isomorphism after inverting any nonzero element of \mathfrak m but not an isomorphism. In particular we may identify A' with a subset of the fraction field of A. Since A \to A' is finite it is integral (see Lemma 10.36.3). Since A is normal we get A = A' a contradiction. \square

Comments (2)

Comment #7174 by Arnab Kundu on

Related question: Is it true that a dimension normal local domain is a valuation ring?

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