Let X = \bigcup _{i \in I} Z_ i be the decomposition of X into its irreducible components. There are finitely many of them (see Lemmas 10.31.3 and 10.31.5). Let I' = \{ i \mid x \in Z_ i\} , and let T = \bigcup _{i \not\in I'} Z_ i. Then U = X \setminus T is an open subset of X containing the point x. The number (2) is \max _{i \in I'} \dim (Z_ i). For any open W \subset U with x \in W the irreducible components of W are the irreducible sets W_ i = Z_ i \cap W for i \in I' and x is contained in each of these. Note that each W_ i, i \in I' contains a closed point because X is Jacobson, see Section 10.35. Since W_ i \subset Z_ i we have \dim (W_ i) \leq \dim (Z_ i). The existence of a closed point implies, via Lemma 10.114.4, that there is a chain of irreducible closed subsets of length equal to \dim (Z_ i) in the open W_ i. Thus \dim (W_ i) = \dim (Z_ i) for any i \in I'. Hence \dim (W) is equal to the number (2). This proves that (1) = (2).
Let \mathfrak m \supset \mathfrak p be any maximal ideal containing \mathfrak p. Let x_0 \in X be the corresponding point. First of all, x_0 is contained in all the irreducible components Z_ i, i \in I'. Let \mathfrak q_ i denote the minimal primes of S corresponding to the irreducible components Z_ i. For each i such that x_0 \in Z_ i (which is equivalent to \mathfrak m \supset \mathfrak q_ i) we have a surjection
S_{\mathfrak m} \longrightarrow S_\mathfrak m/\mathfrak q_ i S_\mathfrak m =(S/\mathfrak q_ i)_{\mathfrak m}
Moreover, the primes \mathfrak q_ i S_\mathfrak m so obtained exhaust the minimal primes of the Noetherian local ring S_{\mathfrak m}, see Lemma 10.26.3. We conclude, using Lemma 10.114.4, that the dimension of S_{\mathfrak m} is the maximum of the dimensions of the Z_ i passing through x_0. To finish the proof of the lemma it suffices to show that we can choose x_0 such that x_0 \in Z_ i \Rightarrow i \in I'. Because S is Jacobson (as we saw above) it is enough to show that V(\mathfrak p) \setminus T (with T as above) is nonempty. And this is clear since it contains the point x (i.e. \mathfrak p).
Comments (6)
Comment #712 by Keenan Kidwell on
Comment #713 by Johan on
Comment #4319 by Manolis Tsakiris on
Comment #4477 by Johan on
Comment #7875 by Dhruv Sidana on
Comment #8146 by Aise Johan de Jong on