Lemma 10.96.10. Let R be a ring. Let I be an ideal of R. Let M be an I-adically complete R-module, and let K \subset M be an R-submodule. The following are equivalent
K = \bigcap (K + I^ nM) and
M/K is I-adically complete.
Lemma 10.96.10. Let R be a ring. Let I be an ideal of R. Let M be an I-adically complete R-module, and let K \subset M be an R-submodule. The following are equivalent
K = \bigcap (K + I^ nM) and
M/K is I-adically complete.
Proof. Set N = M/K. By Lemma 10.96.1 the map M = M^\wedge \to N^\wedge is surjective. Hence N \to N^\wedge is surjective. It is easy to see that the kernel of N \to N^\wedge is the module \bigcap (K + I^ nM) / K. \square
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