Lemma 10.162.2. Let R be a Nagata ring. Let R \to S be essentially of finite type with S reduced. Then the integral closure of R in S is finite over R.
Proof. As S is essentially of finite type over R it is Noetherian and has finitely many minimal primes \mathfrak q_1, \ldots , \mathfrak q_ m, see Lemma 10.31.6. Since S is reduced we have S \subset \prod S_{\mathfrak q_ i} and each S_{\mathfrak q_ i} = K_ i is a field, see Lemmas 10.25.4 and 10.25.1. It suffices to show that the integral closure A_ i' of R in each K_ i is finite over R. This is true because R is Noetherian and A \subset \prod A_ i'. Let \mathfrak p_ i \subset R be the prime of R corresponding to \mathfrak q_ i. As S is essentially of finite type over R we see that K_ i = S_{\mathfrak q_ i} = \kappa (\mathfrak q_ i) is a finitely generated field extension of \kappa (\mathfrak p_ i). Hence the algebraic closure L_ i of \kappa (\mathfrak p_ i) in K_ i is finite over \kappa (\mathfrak p_ i), see Fields, Lemma 9.26.11. It is clear that A_ i' is the integral closure of R/\mathfrak p_ i in L_ i, and hence we win by definition of a Nagata ring. \square
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