Lemma 10.35.22. With notation as above. Assume that $R$ is a Noetherian Jacobson ring. Further assume $R \to S$ is of finite type. There is a commutative diagram
where the horizontal arrows are the bijections from Topology, Lemma 5.18.8.
Lemma 10.35.22. With notation as above. Assume that $R$ is a Noetherian Jacobson ring. Further assume $R \to S$ is of finite type. There is a commutative diagram
where the horizontal arrows are the bijections from Topology, Lemma 5.18.8.
Proof. Since $R \to S$ is of finite type, it is of finite presentation, see Lemma 10.31.4. Thus the image of a constructible set in $X$ is constructible in $Y$ by Chevalley's theorem (Theorem 10.29.10). Combined with Lemma 10.35.21 the lemma follows. $\square$
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