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Lemma 10.121.4. Let R be a Noetherian local domain of dimension 1 with fraction field K. Let V be a finite dimensional K-vector space.

  1. If M is a lattice in V and M \subset M' \subset V is an R-submodule of V containing M then the following are equivalent

    1. M' is a lattice,

    2. \text{length}_ R(M'/M) is finite, and

    3. M' is finitely generated.

  2. If M is a lattice in V and M' \subset M is an R-submodule of M then M' is a lattice if and only if \text{length}_ R(M/M') is finite.

  3. If M, M' are lattices in V, then so are M \cap M' and M + M'.

  4. If M \subset M' \subset M'' \subset V are lattices in V then

    \text{length}_ R(M''/M) = \text{length}_ R(M'/M) + \text{length}_ R(M''/M').
  5. If M, M', N, N' are lattices in V and N \subset M \cap M', M + M' \subset N', then we have

    \begin{eqnarray*} & & \text{length}_ R(M/M \cap M') - \text{length}_ R(M'/M \cap M')\\ & = & \text{length}_ R(M/N) - \text{length}_ R(M'/N) \\ & = & \text{length}_ R(M + M' / M') - \text{length}_ R(M + M'/M) \\ & = & \text{length}_ R(N' / M') - \text{length}_ R(N'/M) \end{eqnarray*}

Proof. Proof of (1). Assume (1)(a). Say y_1, \ldots , y_ m generate M'. Then each y_ i = x_ i/f_ i for some x_ i \in M and nonzero f_ i \in R. Hence we see that f_1 \ldots f_ m M' \subset M. Since R is Noetherian local of dimension 1 we see that \mathfrak m^ n \subset (f_1 \ldots f_ m) for some n (for example combine Lemmas 10.60.13 and Proposition 10.60.7 or combine Lemmas 10.119.9 and 10.52.4). In other words \mathfrak m^ nM' \subset M for some n Hence \text{length}(M'/M) < \infty by Lemma 10.52.8, in other words (1)(b) holds. Assume (1)(b). Then M'/M is a finite R-module (see Lemma 10.52.2). Hence M' is a finite R-module as an extension of finite R-modules. Hence (1)(c). The implication (1)(c) \Rightarrow (1)(a) follows from the remark following Definition 10.121.3.

Proof of (2). Suppose M is a lattice in V and M' \subset M is an R-submodule. We have seen in (1) that if M' is a lattice, then \text{length}_ R(M/M') < \infty . Conversely, assume that \text{length}_ R(M/M') < \infty . Then M' is finitely generated as R is Noetherian and for some n we have \mathfrak m^ n M \subset M' (Lemma 10.52.4). Hence it follows that M' contains a basis for V, and M' is a lattice.

Proof of (3). Assume M, M' are lattices in V. Since R is Noetherian the submodule M \cap M' of M is finite. As M is a lattice we can find x_1, \ldots , x_ n \in M which form a K-basis for V. Because M' is a lattice we can write x_ i = y_ i/f_ i with y_ i \in M' and f_ i \in R. Hence f_ ix_ i \in M \cap M'. Hence M \cap M' is a lattice also. The fact that M + M' is a lattice follows from part (1).

Part (4) follows from additivity of lengths (Lemma 10.52.3) and the exact sequence

0 \to M'/M \to M''/M \to M''/M' \to 0

Part (5) follows from repeatedly applying part (4). \square

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