Lemma 10.52.4. Let R be a local ring with maximal ideal \mathfrak m. If M is an R-module and \mathfrak m^ n M \not= 0 for all n \geq 0, then \text{length}_ R(M) = \infty . In other words, if M has finite length then \mathfrak m^ nM = 0 for some n.
Proof. Assume \mathfrak m^ n M \not= 0 for all n\geq 0. Choose x \in M and f_1, \ldots , f_ n \in \mathfrak m such that f_1f_2 \ldots f_ n x \not= 0. The first n steps in the filtration
0 \subset R f_1 \ldots f_ n x \subset R f_1 \ldots f_{n - 1} x \subset \ldots \subset R x \subset M
are distinct. For example, if R f_1 x = R f_1 f_2 x , then f_1 x = g f_1 f_2 x for some g, hence (1 - gf_2) f_1 x = 0 hence f_1 x = 0 as 1 - gf_2 is a unit which is a contradiction with the choice of x and f_1, \ldots , f_ n. Hence the length is infinite. \square
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