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Lemma 10.161.10. Let R be a Noetherian normal domain with fraction field K of characteristic p > 0. Let a \in K be an element such that there exists a derivation D : R \to R with D(a) \not= 0. Then the integral closure of R in L = K[x]/(x^ p - a) is finite over R.

Proof. After replacing x by fx and a by f^ pa for some f \in R we may assume a \in R. Hence also D(a) \in R. We will show by induction on i \leq p - 1 that if

y = a_0 + a_1x + \ldots + a_ i x^ i,\quad a_ j \in K

is integral over R, then D(a)^ i a_ j \in R. Thus the integral closure is contained in the finite R-module with basis D(a)^{-p + 1}x^ j, j = 0, \ldots , p - 1. Since R is Noetherian this proves the lemma.

If i = 0, then y = a_0 is integral over R if and only if a_0 \in R and the statement is true. Suppose the statement holds for some i < p - 1 and suppose that

y = a_0 + a_1x + \ldots + a_{i + 1} x^{i + 1},\quad a_ j \in K

is integral over R. Then

y^ p = a_0^ p + a_1^ p a + \ldots + a_{i + 1}^ pa^{i + 1}

is an element of R (as it is in K and integral over R). Applying D we obtain

(a_1^ p + 2a_2^ p a + \ldots + (i + 1)a_{i + 1}^ p a^ i)D(a)

is in R. Hence it follows that

D(a)a_1 + 2D(a) a_2 x + \ldots + (i + 1)D(a) a_{i + 1} x^ i

is integral over R. By induction we find D(a)^{i + 1}a_ j \in R for j = 1, \ldots , i + 1. (Here we use that 1, \ldots , i + 1 are invertible.) Hence D(a)^{i + 1}a_0 is also in R because it is the difference of y and \sum _{j > 0} D(a)^{i + 1}a_ jx^ j which are integral over R (since x is integral over R as a \in R). \square

Comments (3)

Comment #9808 by Jonas on

Minor correction: in the last sentence of the proof, should be replaced with .

Comment #9928 by Branislav Sobot on

I am not sure what you mean by derivative here? If you mean "-derivative", then you would automatically have , so I guess not. If you mean that only the Lebniz rule should be satisfied, then I don't see why you can replace with . My guess is that you want this to be -derivative, where is the subring of all -powers, but should be in the statement. Also, in the statement it should be instead of .

Comment #9930 by Branislav Sobot on

Sorry, I guess you do want just the Leibniz rule since then automatically for all . However, still is the statement is not correct I think

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