1. In an affine scheme if a finite number of points are contained in an open subset then they are contained in a smaller principal open subset. 2. Affine opens are cofinal among the neighborhoods of a given finite set of an affine scheme
Lemma 10.15.2 (Prime avoidance). Let R be a ring. Let I_ i \subset R, i = 1, \ldots , r, and J \subset R be ideals. Assume
J \not\subset I_ i for i = 1, \ldots , r, and
all but two of I_ i are prime ideals.
Then there exists an x \in J, x\not\in I_ i for all i.
The result is true for r = 1. If r = 2, then let x, y \in J with x \not\in I_1 and y \not\in I_2. We are done unless x \in I_2 and y \in I_1. Then the element x + y cannot be in I_1 (since that would mean x + y - y \in I_1) and it also cannot be in I_2.
For r \geq 3, assume the result holds for r - 1. After renumbering we may assume that I_ r is prime. We may also assume there are no inclusions among the I_ i. Pick x \in J, x \not\in I_ i for all i = 1, \ldots , r - 1. If x \not\in I_ r we are done. So assume x \in I_ r. If J I_1 \ldots I_{r - 1} \subset I_ r then J \subset I_ r (by Lemma 10.15.1) a contradiction. Pick y \in J I_1 \ldots I_{r - 1}, y \not\in I_ r. Then x + y works.
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