Lemma 10.15.3. Let R be a ring. Let x \in R, I \subset R an ideal, and \mathfrak p_ i, i = 1, \ldots , r be prime ideals. Suppose that x + I \not\subset \mathfrak p_ i for i = 1, \ldots , r. Then there exists a y \in I such that x + y \not\in \mathfrak p_ i for all i.
Proof. We may assume there are no inclusions among the \mathfrak p_ i. After reordering we may assume x \not\in \mathfrak p_ i for i < s and x \in \mathfrak p_ i for i \geq s. If s = r + 1 then we are done. If not, then we can find y \in I with y \not\in \mathfrak p_ s. Choose f \in \bigcap _{i < s} \mathfrak p_ i with f \not\in \mathfrak p_ s. Then x + fy is not contained in \mathfrak p_1, \ldots , \mathfrak p_ s. Thus we win by induction on s. \square
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