Lemma 10.20.1 (Nakayama's lemma). Let R be a ring with Jacobson radical \text{rad}(R). Let M be an R-module. Let I \subset R be an ideal.
If IM = M and M is finite, then there exists an f \in 1 + I such that fM = 0.
If IM = M, M is finite, and I \subset \text{rad}(R), then M = 0.
If N, N' \subset M, M = N + IN', and N' is finite, then there exists an f \in 1 + I such that fM \subset N and M_ f = N_ f.
If N, N' \subset M, M = N + IN', N' is finite, and I \subset \text{rad}(R), then M = N.
If N \to M is a module map, N/IN \to M/IM is surjective, and M is finite, then there exists an f \in 1 + I such that N_ f \to M_ f is surjective.
If N \to M is a module map, N/IN \to M/IM is surjective, M is finite, and I \subset \text{rad}(R), then N \to M is surjective.
If x_1, \ldots , x_ n \in M generate M/IM and M is finite, then there exists an f \in 1 + I such that x_1, \ldots , x_ n generate M_ f over R_ f.
If x_1, \ldots , x_ n \in M generate M/IM, M is finite, and I \subset \text{rad}(R), then M is generated by x_1, \ldots , x_ n.
If IM = M, I is nilpotent, then M = 0.
If N, N' \subset M, M = N + IN', and I is nilpotent then M = N.
If N \to M is a module map, I is nilpotent, and N/IN \to M/IM is surjective, then N \to M is surjective.
If \{ x_\alpha \} _{\alpha \in A} is a set of elements of M which generate M/IM and I is nilpotent, then M is generated by the x_\alpha .
Comments (9)
Comment #2793 by Kong Bochao on
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Comment #3280 by Nicolas on
Comment #3281 by Nicolas on
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Comment #3490 by Johan on
Comment #6234 by Yuto Masamura on
Comment #6361 by Johan on
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