Lemma 10.153.9. Let (R, \mathfrak m, \kappa ) be a complete local ring, see Definition 10.160.1. Then R is henselian.
Complete local rings are Henselian by Newton's method
Proof. Let f \in R[T] be monic. Denote f_ n \in R/\mathfrak m^{n + 1}[T] the image. Denote f'_ n the derivative of f_ n with respect to T. Let a_0 \in \kappa be a simple root of f_0. We lift this to a solution of f over R inductively as follows: Suppose given a_ n \in R/\mathfrak m^{n + 1} such that a_ n \bmod \mathfrak m = a_0 and f_ n(a_ n) = 0. Pick any element b \in R/\mathfrak m^{n + 2} such that a_ n = b \bmod \mathfrak m^{n + 1}. Then f_{n + 1}(b) \in \mathfrak m^{n + 1}/\mathfrak m^{n + 2}. Set
(Newton's method). This makes sense as f'_{n + 1}(b) \in R/\mathfrak m^{n + 2} is invertible by the condition on a_0. Then we compute f_{n + 1}(a_{n + 1}) = f_{n + 1}(b) - f_{n + 1}(b) = 0 in R/\mathfrak m^{n + 2}. Since the system of elements a_ n \in R/\mathfrak m^{n + 1} so constructed is compatible we get an element a \in \mathop{\mathrm{lim}}\nolimits R/\mathfrak m^ n = R (here we use that R is complete). Moreover, f(a) = 0 since it maps to zero in each R/\mathfrak m^ n. Finally \overline{a} = a_0 and we win. \square
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