Lemma 10.51.7 (Artin-Tate). Let R be a Noetherian ring. Let S be a finitely generated R-algebra. If T \subset S is an R-subalgebra such that S is finitely generated as a T-module, then T is of finite type over R.
Proof. Choose elements x_1, \ldots , x_ n \in S which generate S as an R-algebra. Choose y_1, \ldots , y_ m in S which generate S as a T-module. Thus there exist a_{ij} \in T such that x_ i = \sum a_{ij} y_ j. There also exist b_{ijk} \in T such that y_ i y_ j = \sum b_{ijk} y_ k. Let T' \subset T be the sub R-algebra generated by a_{ij} and b_{ijk}. This is a finitely generated R-algebra, hence Noetherian. Consider the algebra
Note that S' is finite over T', namely as a T'-module it is generated by the classes of 1, Y_1, \ldots , Y_ m. Consider the T'-algebra homomorphism S' \to S which maps Y_ i to y_ i. Because a_{ij} \in T' we see that x_ j is in the image of this map. Thus S' \to S is surjective. Therefore S is finite over T' as well. Since T' is Noetherian and we conclude that T \subset S is finite over T' and we win. \square
Comments (2)
Comment #4264 by Manuel Hoff on
Comment #4434 by Johan on