Lemma 10.58.1. Let S be a graded ring. A set of homogeneous elements f_ i \in S_{+} generates S as an algebra over S_0 if and only if they generate S_{+} as an ideal of S.
Proof. If the f_ i generate S as an algebra over S_0 then every element in S_{+} is a polynomial without constant term in the f_ i and hence S_{+} is generated by the f_ i as an ideal. Conversely, suppose that S_{+} = \sum Sf_ i. We will prove that any element f of S can be written as a polynomial in the f_ i with coefficients in S_0. It suffices to do this for homogeneous elements. Say f has degree d. Then we may perform induction on d. The case d = 0 is immediate. If d > 0 then f \in S_{+} hence we can write f = \sum g_ i f_ i for some g_ i \in S. As S is graded we can replace g_ i by its homogeneous component of degree d - \deg (f_ i). By induction we see that each g_ i is a polynomial in the f_ i and we win. \square
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