Lemma 10.37.5. Any localization of a normal domain is normal.
Proof. Let R be a normal domain, and let S \subset R be a multiplicative subset. Suppose g is an element of the fraction field of R which is integral over S^{-1}R. Let P = x^ d + \sum _{j < d} a_ j x^ j be a polynomial with a_ i \in S^{-1}R such that P(g) = 0. Choose s \in S such that sa_ i \in R for all i. Then sg satisfies the monic polynomial x^ d + \sum _{j < d} s^{d-j}a_ j x^ j which has coefficients s^{d-j}a_ j in R. Hence sg \in R because R is normal. Hence g \in S^{-1}R. \square
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