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Proof. Let R be a principal ideal domain. Let g = a/b be an element of the fraction field of R integral over R. Because R is a principal ideal domain we may divide out a common factor of a and b and assume (a, b) = R. In this case, any equation (a/b)^ n + r_{n-1} (a/b)^{n-1} + \ldots + r_0 = 0 with r_ i \in R would imply a^ n \in (b). This contradicts (a, b) = R unless b is a unit in R. \square

Comments (2)

Comment #5508 by Manuel Hoff on

The same proof shows that in fact any factorial ring is normal. One just has to replace with the (weaker) condition that and are coprime in the sense that their greatest common divisor is . This is enough to make the conclusion.

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