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Lemma 10.134.4 (Jacobi-Zariski sequence). Let A \to B \to C be ring maps. Choose a presentation \alpha : A[x_ s, s \in S] \to B with kernel I. Choose a presentation \beta : B[y_ t, t \in T] \to C with kernel J. Let \gamma : A[x_ s, y_ t] \to C be the induced presentation of C with kernel K. Then we get a canonical commutative diagram

\xymatrix{ 0 \ar[r] & \Omega _{A[x_ s]/A} \otimes C \ar[r] & \Omega _{A[x_ s, y_ t]/A} \otimes C \ar[r] & \Omega _{B[y_ t]/B} \otimes C \ar[r] & 0 \\ & I/I^2 \otimes C \ar[r] \ar[u] & K/K^2 \ar[r] \ar[u] & J/J^2 \ar[r] \ar[u] & 0 }

with exact rows. We get the following exact sequence of homology groups

H_1(\mathop{N\! L}\nolimits _{B/A} \otimes _ B C) \to H_1(L_{C/A}) \to H_1(L_{C/B}) \to C \otimes _ B \Omega _{B/A} \to \Omega _{C/A} \to \Omega _{C/B} \to 0

of C-modules extending the sequence of Lemma 10.131.7. If \text{Tor}_1^ B(\Omega _{B/A}, C) = 0 and \text{Tor}_2^ B(\Omega _{B/A}, C) = 0, then H_1(\mathop{N\! L}\nolimits _{B/A} \otimes _ B C) = H_1(L_{B/A}) \otimes _ B C.

Proof. The precise definition of the maps is omitted. The exactness of the top row follows as the \text{d}x_ s, \text{d}y_ t form a basis for the middle module. The map \gamma factors

A[x_ s, y_ t] \to B[y_ t] \to C

with surjective first arrow and second arrow equal to \beta . Thus we see that K \to J is surjective. Moreover, the kernel of the first displayed arrow is IA[x_ s, y_ t]. Hence I/I^2 \otimes C surjects onto the kernel of K/K^2 \to J/J^2. Finally, we can use Lemma 10.134.2 to identify the terms as homology groups of the naive cotangent complexes.

The final assertion is a statement in homological algebra. Recall that \mathop{N\! L}\nolimits _{B/A} = (N^{-1} \to N^0) is a two term complex of B-modules with N^0 free and cohomology modules H^0 = \Omega _{B/A} and H^{-1} = H_1(L_{B/A}). Write M \subset N^0 for the image of the differential. If \text{Tor}_1^ B(H^0, C) = 0, then we have an exact sequence

0 \to M \otimes _ B C \to N^0 \otimes _ B C \to N^0 \otimes _ B C \to 0

Since N^0 is free, we also see that \text{Tor}_2^ B(H^0, C) = \text{Tor}_1^ B(M, C). Hence if \text{Tor}_2^ B(H^0, C) = 0 then we also have an exact sequence

0 \to H^{-1} \otimes _ B C \to N^{-1} \otimes _ B C \to M \otimes _ B C \to 0

Putting everything together we see that if \text{Tor}_1^ B(H^0, C) = 0 and \text{Tor}_2^ B(H^0, C) = 0, then H^{-1} \otimes _ B C is the kernel of N^{-1} \otimes _ B C \to N^0 \otimes _ B C as desired. \square

Comments (9)

Comment #694 by Keenan Kidwell on

In the third line up from the bottom, the map should go in the opposite direction.

Comment #1718 by Yogesh More on

I couldn't immediately see why being the kernel of the first map implies that surjects onto the kernel of , and in case anyone else is wondering, here is one explanation why: is the therefore the kernel of , and hence tensoring the exact sequence by gives an exact sequence . Since , we have , and similarly so our exact sequence is .

Comment #8327 by Et on

For the final assertion, would we not also want ? Let P be a presentation of B over A, with kernel I. The condition ensures we have an injection , so that to compute It's enough to show the sequence is exact. The obstruction here is . The tor sequence associateded to the exact sequence shows that we have a surjection and hence is the necessary condition to get what we need.

Comment #8332 by on

@#8327. Yes, very good for finding this mistake! Thanks! I will fix this the next time I go through all the comments. I checked all the places in the stacks project where this gets used and in the places where we use the vanishing of the tor it comes from projectivity of .

Comment #8474 by Et on

Suggestion: since this proposition uses multiple rings, maybe add a subscript for the tensor products indicating over what they are taken

Comment #8988 by Zheng Yang on

As noted above, is there supposed to be a condition on ?

Assuming this, we can use the Tor spectral sequence (Tag 061Z) for tensored by to conclude the result in the last sentence.

Comment #8990 by on

@#8988: the edit about the Tor-2 has already been made as you can see when you click on the link I gave. I will correspondingly update the website when all the comments have been addressed, see also this page

Comment #9806 by on

There is a typo in the first displayed short exact sequence in the proof: the last term should be instead of .

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  • 13 comment(s) on Section 10.134: The naive cotangent complex

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