Lemma 10.52.11. Let R be a ring. Let M be a finite length R-module. Choose any maximal chain of submodules
0 = M_0 \subset M_1 \subset M_2 \subset \ldots \subset M_ n = M
with M_ i \not= M_{i-1}, i = 1, \ldots , n. Then
n = \text{length}_ R(M),
each M_ i/M_{i-1} is simple,
each M_ i/M_{i-1} is of the form R/\mathfrak m_ i for some maximal ideal \mathfrak m_ i,
given a maximal ideal \mathfrak m \subset R we have
\# \{ i \mid \mathfrak m_ i = \mathfrak m\} = \text{length}_{R_{\mathfrak m}} (M_{\mathfrak m}).
If M_ i/M_{i-1} is not simple then we can refine the filtration and the filtration is not maximal. Thus we see that M_ i/M_{i-1} is simple. By Lemma 10.52.10 the modules M_ i/M_{i-1} have length 1 and are of the form R/\mathfrak m_ i for some maximal ideals \mathfrak m_ i. By additivity of length, Lemma 10.52.3, we see n = \text{length}_ R(M). Since localization is exact, we see that
0 = (M_0)_{\mathfrak m} \subset (M_1)_{\mathfrak m} \subset (M_2)_{\mathfrak m} \subset \ldots \subset (M_ n)_{\mathfrak m} = M_{\mathfrak m}
is a filtration of M_{\mathfrak m} with successive quotients (M_ i/M_{i-1})_{\mathfrak m}. Thus the last statement follows directly from the fact that given maximal ideals \mathfrak m, \mathfrak m' of R we have
(R/\mathfrak m')_{\mathfrak m} \cong \left\{ \begin{matrix} 0
& \text{if } \mathfrak m \not= \mathfrak m',
\\ R_{\mathfrak m}/\mathfrak m R_{\mathfrak m}
& \text{if } \mathfrak m = \mathfrak m'
\end{matrix} \right.
This we leave to the reader.
Comments (2)
Comment #3416 by Jonas Ehrhard on
Comment #3478 by Johan on
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