Lemma 10.84.2. Let M be an R-module. If (M_{\alpha })_{\alpha \in S} is a direct sum dévissage of M, then M \cong \bigoplus _{\alpha + 1 \in S} M_{\alpha + 1}/M_{\alpha }.
Proof. By property (3) of a direct sum dévissage, there is an inclusion M_{\alpha + 1}/M_{\alpha } \to M for each \alpha \in S. Consider the map
given by the sum of these inclusions. Further consider the restrictions
for \beta \in S. Transfinite induction on S shows that the image of f_{\beta } is M_{\beta }. For \beta =0 this is true by (0). If \beta +1 is a successor ordinal and it is true for \beta , then it is true for \beta + 1 by (3). And if \beta is a limit ordinal and it is true for \alpha < \beta , then it is true for \beta by (2). Hence f is surjective by (1).
Transfinite induction on S also shows that the restrictions f_{\beta } are injective. For \beta = 0 it is true. If \beta +1 is a successor ordinal and f_{\beta } is injective, then let x be in the kernel and write x = (x_{\alpha + 1})_{\alpha + 1 \leq \beta + 1} in terms of its components x_{\alpha + 1} \in M_{\alpha + 1}/M_{\alpha }. By property (3) and the fact that the image of f_{\beta } is M_{\beta } both (x_{\alpha + 1})_{\alpha + 1 \leq \beta } and x_{\beta + 1} map to 0. Hence x_{\beta +1} = 0 and, by the assumption that the restriction f_{\beta } is injective also x_{\alpha + 1} = 0 for every \alpha + 1 \leq \beta . So x = 0 and f_{\beta +1} is injective. If \beta is a limit ordinal consider an element x of the kernel. Then x is already contained in the domain of f_{\alpha } for some \alpha < \beta . Thus x = 0 which finishes the induction. We conclude that f is injective since f_{\beta } is for each \beta \in S. \square
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