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Definition 10.12.6. An abelian group N is called an (A, B)-bimodule if it is both an A-module and a B-module and for all a \in A and b \in B the multiplication by a and b commute, so b(an) = a(bn) for all n \in N. In this situation we usually write the B-action on the right: so for b \in B and n \in N the result of multiplying n by b is denoted nb. With this convention the compatibility above is that (ax)b = a(xb) for all a\in A, b\in B, x\in N. The shorthand _ AN_ B is used to denote an (A, B)-bimodule N.

Comments (2)

Comment #8367 by Laurent Moret-Bailly on

Unless I missed a convention somewhere, all modules are denoted as left modules, so strictly speaking the notation is not defined. I understand all rings are commutative, and the right module notation is convenient here, but maybe a remark would be in order.

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