Lemma 10.163.1. We have
where R \to S is a local homomorphism of local Noetherian rings, M is a finite R-module, and N is a finite S-module flat over R.
[IV, Proposition 6.3.1, EGA]
Lemma 10.163.1. We have
where R \to S is a local homomorphism of local Noetherian rings, M is a finite R-module, and N is a finite S-module flat over R.
Proof. In the statement and in the proof below, we take the depth of M as an R-module, the depth of M \otimes _ R N as an S-module, and the depth of N/\mathfrak m_ RN as an S/\mathfrak m_ RS-module. Denote n the right hand side. First assume that n is zero. Then both \text{depth}(M) = 0 and \text{depth}(N/\mathfrak m_ RN) = 0. This means there is a z \in M whose annihilator is \mathfrak m_ R and a \overline{y} \in N/\mathfrak m_ RN whose annihilator is \mathfrak m_ S/\mathfrak m_ RS. Let y \in N be a lift of \overline{y}. Since N is flat over R the map z : R/\mathfrak m_ R \to M produces an injective map N/\mathfrak m_ RN \to M \otimes _ R N. Hence the annihilator of z \otimes y is \mathfrak m_ S. Thus \text{depth}(M \otimes _ R N) = 0 as well.
Assume n > 0. If \text{depth}(N/\mathfrak m_ RN) > 0, then we may choose f \in \mathfrak m_ S mapping to \overline{f} \in S/\mathfrak m_ RS which is a nonzerodivisor on N/\mathfrak m_ RN. Then \text{depth}(N/\mathfrak m_ RN) = \text{depth}(N/(f, \mathfrak m_ R)N) + 1 by Lemma 10.72.7. According to Lemma 10.99.1 the element f \in S is a nonzerodivisor on N and N/fN is flat over R. Hence by induction on n we have
Because N/fN is flat over R the sequence
is exact where the first map is multiplication by f (Lemma 10.39.12). Hence by Lemma 10.72.7 we find that \text{depth}(M \otimes _ R N) = \text{depth}(M \otimes _ R N/fN) + 1 and we conclude that equality holds in the formula of the lemma.
If n > 0, but \text{depth}(N/\mathfrak m_ RN) = 0, then we can choose f \in \mathfrak m_ R which is a nonzerodivisor on M. As N is flat over R it is also the case that f is a nonzerodivisor on M \otimes _ R N. By induction on n again we have
In this case \text{depth}(M \otimes _ R N) = \text{depth}(M/fM \otimes _ R N) + 1 and \text{depth}(M) = \text{depth}(M/fM) + 1 by Lemma 10.72.7 and we conclude that equality holds in the formula of the lemma. \square
Comments (2)
Comment #3241 by Dario Weißmann on
Comment #3340 by Johan on