Lemma 10.153.4. Let (R, \mathfrak m, \kappa ) be a henselian local ring.
If R \to S is a finite ring map then S is a finite product of henselian local rings each finite over R.
If R \to S is a finite ring map and S is local, then S is a henselian local ring and R \to S is a (finite) local ring map.
If R \to S is a finite type ring map, and \mathfrak q is a prime of S lying over \mathfrak m at which R \to S is quasi-finite, then S_{\mathfrak q} is henselian and finite over R.
If R \to S is quasi-finite then S_{\mathfrak q} is henselian and finite over R for every prime \mathfrak q lying over \mathfrak m.
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