Lemma 10.109.11. Let R be a ring. Suppose we have a module M = \bigcup _{e \in E} M_ e where the M_ e are submodules well-ordered by inclusion. Assume the quotients M_ e/\bigcup \nolimits _{e' < e} M_{e'} have projective dimension \leq n. Then M has projective dimension \leq n.
Proof. We will prove this by induction on n.
Base case: n = 0. Then P_ e = M_ e/\bigcup _{e' < e} M_{e'} is projective. Thus we may choose a section P_ e \to M_ e of the projection M_ e \to P_ e. We claim that the induced map \psi : \bigoplus _{e \in E} P_ e \to M is an isomorphism. Namely, if x = \sum x_ e \in \bigoplus P_ e is nonzero, then we let e_{max} be maximal such that x_{e_{max}} is nonzero and we conclude that y = \psi (x) = \psi (\sum x_ e) is nonzero because y \in M_{e_{max}} has nonzero image x_{e_{max}} in P_{e_{max}}. On the other hand, let y \in M. Then y \in M_ e for some e. We show that y \in \mathop{\mathrm{Im}}(\psi ) by transfinite induction on e. Let x_ e \in P_ e be the image of y. Then y - \psi (x_ e) \in \bigcup _{e' < e} M_{e'}. By induction hypothesis we conclude that y - \psi (x_ e) \in \mathop{\mathrm{Im}}(\psi ) hence y \in \mathop{\mathrm{Im}}(\psi ). Thus the claim is true and \psi is an isomorphism. We conclude that M is projective as a direct sum of projectives, see Lemma 10.77.4.
If n > 0, then for e \in E we denote F_ e the free R-module on the set of elements of M_ e. Then we have a system of short exact sequences
over the well-ordered set E. Note that the transition maps F_{e'} \to F_ e and K_{e'} \to K_ e are injective too. Set F = \bigcup F_ e and K = \bigcup K_ e. Then
is a short exact sequence of R-modules too and F_ e/\bigcup _{e' < e} F_{e'} is the free R-module on the set of elements in M_ e which are not contained in \bigcup _{e' < e} M_{e'}. Hence by Lemma 10.109.9 we see that the projective dimension of K_ e/\bigcup _{e' < e} K_{e'} is at most n - 1. By induction we conclude that K has projective dimension at most n - 1. Whence M has projective dimension at most n and we win. \square
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