Here is the definition.
Here is a way to get rid of these.
Lemma 10.67.2. Let R be a Noetherian ring. Let M be a finite R-module. Consider the set of R-submodules
\{ K \subset M \mid \text{Supp}(K) \text{ nowhere dense in } \text{Supp}(M) \} .
This set has a maximal element K and the quotient M' = M/K has the following properties
\text{Supp}(M) = \text{Supp}(M'),
M' has no embedded associated primes,
for any f \in R which is contained in all embedded associated primes of M we have M_ f \cong M'_ f.
We will use Lemma 10.63.5 and Proposition 10.63.6 without further mention. Let \mathfrak q_1, \ldots , \mathfrak q_ t denote the minimal primes in the support of M. Let \mathfrak p_1, \ldots , \mathfrak p_ s denote the embedded associated primes of M. Then \text{Ass}(M) = \{ \mathfrak q_ j, \mathfrak p_ i\} . Let
K = \{ m \in M \mid \text{Supp}(Rm) \subset \bigcup V(\mathfrak p_ i)\}
It is immediately seen to be a submodule. Since M is finite over a Noetherian ring, we know K is finite too. Hence \text{Supp}(K) is nowhere dense in \text{Supp}(M). Let K' \subset M be another submodule with support nowhere dense in \text{Supp}(M). This means that K_{\mathfrak q_ j} = 0. Hence if m \in K', then m maps to zero in M_{\mathfrak q_ j} which in turn implies (Rm)_{\mathfrak q_ j} = 0. On the other hand we have \text{Ass}(Rm) \subset \text{Ass}(M). Hence the support of Rm is contained in \bigcup V(\mathfrak p_ i). Therefore m \in K and thus K' \subset K as m was arbitrary in K'.
Let M' = M/K. Since K_{\mathfrak q_ j}=0 we know M'_{\mathfrak q_ j} = M_{\mathfrak q_ j} for all j. Hence M and M' have the same support.
Suppose \mathfrak q = \text{Ann}(\overline{m}) \in \text{Ass}(M') where \overline{m} \in M' is the image of m \in M. Then m \not\in K and hence the support of Rm must contain one of the \mathfrak q_ j. Since M_{\mathfrak q_ j} = M'_{\mathfrak q_ j}, we know \overline{m} does not map to zero in M'_{\mathfrak q_ j}. Hence \mathfrak q \subset \mathfrak q_ j (actually we have equality), which means that all the associated primes of M' are not embedded.
Let f be an element contained in all \mathfrak p_ i. Then D(f) \cap \text{supp}(K) = 0. Hence M_ f = M'_ f because K_ f = 0.
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