Lemma 10.146.1.reference Let (R, \mathfrak m_ R) \to (S, \mathfrak m_ S) be a local homomorphism of local rings. Assume S is the localization of an étale ring extension of R and that \kappa (\mathfrak m_ R) \to \kappa (\mathfrak m_ S) is an isomorphism. Then there exists an t \in \mathfrak m_ R such that R/t^ nR \to S/t^ nS is an isomorphsm for all n \geq 1.
10.146 Local homomorphisms
Some lemmas which don't have a natural section to go into. The first lemma says, loosely speaking, that an étale map of local rings is an isomorphism modulo all powers of a nonunit principal ideal.
Proof. Write S = T_{\mathfrak q} for some étale R-algebra T and prime ideal \mathfrak q \subset T lying over \mathfrak m_ R. By Proposition 10.144.4 we may assume R \to T is standard étale. Write T = R[x]_ g/(f) as in Definition 10.144.1. By our assumption on residue fields, we may choose a \in R such that x and a have the same image in \kappa (\mathfrak q) = \kappa (\mathfrak m_ S) = \kappa (\mathfrak m_ R). Then after replacing x by x - a we may assume that \mathfrak q is generated by x and \mathfrak m_ R in T. In particular t = f(0) \in \mathfrak m_ R. We will show that t = f(0) works.
Write f = x^ d + \sum _{i = 1, \ldots , d - 1} a_ i x^ i + t. Since R \to T is standard étale we find that a_1 is a unit in R: the derivative of f is invertible in T in particular is not contained in \mathfrak q. Let h = a_1 + a_2 x + \ldots + a_{d - 1} x^{d - 2} + x^{d - 1} \in R[x] so that f = t + xh in R[x]. We see that h \not\in \mathfrak q and hence we may replace T by R[x]_{hg}/(f). After this replacement we see that
is a quotient of R/tR. By Lemma 10.126.9 we conclude that R/t^ nR \to T/t^ nT is surjective for all n \geq 1. On the other hand, we know that the flat local ring map R/t^ nR \to S/t^ nS factors through R/t^ nR \to T/t^ nT for all n, hence these maps are also injective (a flat local homomorphism of local rings is faithfully flat and hence injective, see Lemmas 10.39.17 and 10.82.11). As S is the localization of T we see that S/t^ nS is the localization of T/t^ nT = R/t^ nR at a prime lying over the maximal ideal, but this ring is already local and the proof is complete. \square
Lemma 10.146.2. Let (R, \mathfrak m_ R) \to (S, \mathfrak m_ S) be a local homomorphism of local rings. Assume S is the localization of an étale ring extension of R. Then there exists a finite, finitely presented, faithfully flat ring map R \to S' such that for every maximal ideal \mathfrak m' of S' there is a factorization
of the ring map R \to S'_{\mathfrak m'}.
Proof. Write S = T_{\mathfrak q} for some étale R-algebra T. By Proposition 10.144.4 we may assume T is standard étale. Apply Lemma 10.144.5 to the ring map R \to T to get R \to S'. Then in particular for every maximal ideal \mathfrak m' of S' we get a factorization \varphi : T \to S'_{g'} for some g' \not\in \mathfrak m' such that \mathfrak q = \varphi ^{-1}(\mathfrak m'S'_{g'}). Thus \varphi induces the desired local ring map S \to S'_{\mathfrak m'}. \square
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