Lemma 10.89.9. If M = \mathop{\mathrm{colim}}\nolimits M_ i is the colimit of a directed system of Mittag-Leffler R-modules M_ i with universally injective transition maps, then M is Mittag-Leffler.
Proof. Let (Q_{\alpha })_{\alpha \in A} be a family of R-modules. We have to show that M \otimes _ R (\prod Q_\alpha ) \to \prod M \otimes _ R Q_\alpha is injective and we know that M_ i \otimes _ R (\prod Q_\alpha ) \to \prod M_ i \otimes _ R Q_\alpha is injective for each i, see Proposition 10.89.5. Since \otimes commutes with filtered colimits, it suffices to show that \prod M_ i \otimes _ R Q_\alpha \to \prod M \otimes _ R Q_\alpha is injective. This is clear as each of the maps M_ i \otimes _ R Q_\alpha \to M \otimes _ R Q_\alpha is injective by our assumption that the transition maps are universally injective. \square
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