Example 10.27.1. In this example we describe X = \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(\mathbf{Z}[x]/(x^2 - 4)). Let \mathfrak {p} be an arbitrary prime in X. Let \phi : \mathbf{Z} \to \mathbf{Z}[x]/(x^2 - 4) be the natural ring map. Then, \phi ^{-1}(\mathfrak p) is a prime in \mathbf{Z}. If \phi ^{-1}(\mathfrak p) = (2), then since \mathfrak p contains 2, it corresponds to a prime ideal in \mathbf{Z}[x]/(x^2 - 4, 2) \cong (\mathbf{Z}/2\mathbf{Z})[x]/(x^2) via the map \mathbf{Z}[x]/(x^2 - 4) \to \mathbf{Z}[x]/(x^2 - 4, 2). Any prime in (\mathbf{Z}/2\mathbf{Z})[x]/(x^2) corresponds to a prime in (\mathbf{Z}/2\mathbf{Z})[x] containing (x^2). Such primes will then contain x. Since (\mathbf{Z}/2\mathbf{Z}) \cong (\mathbf{Z}/2\mathbf{Z})[x]/(x) is a field, (x) is a maximal ideal. Since any prime contains (x) and (x) is maximal, the ring contains only one prime (x). Thus, in this case, \mathfrak p = (2, x). Now, if \phi ^{-1}(\mathfrak p) = (q) for q > 2, then since \mathfrak p contains q, it corresponds to a prime ideal in \mathbf{Z}[x]/(x^2 - 4, q) \cong (\mathbf{Z}/q\mathbf{Z})[x]/(x^2 - 4) via the map \mathbf{Z}[x]/(x^2 - 4) \to \mathbf{Z}[x]/(x^2 - 4, q). Any prime in (\mathbf{Z}/q\mathbf{Z})[x]/(x^2 - 4) corresponds to a prime in (\mathbf{Z}/q\mathbf{Z})[x] containing (x^2 - 4) = (x -2)(x + 2). Hence, these primes must contain either x -2 or x + 2. Since (\mathbf{Z}/q\mathbf{Z})[x] is a PID, all nonzero primes are maximal, and so there are precisely 2 primes in (\mathbf{Z}/q\mathbf{Z})[x] containing (x-2)(x + 2), namely (x-2) and (x + 2). In conclusion, there exist two primes (q, x-2) and (q, x + 2) since 2 \neq -2 \in \mathbf{Z}/(q). Finally, we treat the case where \phi ^{-1}(\mathfrak p) = (0). Notice that \mathfrak p corresponds to a prime ideal in \mathbf{Z}[x] that contains (x^2 - 4) = (x -2)(x + 2). Hence, \mathfrak p contains either (x-2) or (x + 2). Hence, \mathfrak p corresponds to a prime in \mathbf{Z}[x]/(x - 2) or one in \mathbf{Z}[x]/(x + 2) that intersects \mathbf{Z} only at 0, by assumption. Since \mathbf{Z}[x]/(x - 2) \cong \mathbf{Z} and \mathbf{Z}[x]/(x + 2) \cong \mathbf{Z}, this means that \mathfrak p must correspond to 0 in one of these rings. Thus, \mathfrak p = (x - 2) or \mathfrak p = (x + 2) in the original ring.
10.27 Examples of spectra of rings
In this section we put some examples of spectra.
Example 10.27.2. In this example we describe X = \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(\mathbf{Z}[x]). Fix \mathfrak p \in X. Let \phi : \mathbf{Z} \to \mathbf{Z}[x] and notice that \phi ^{-1}(\mathfrak p) \in \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(\mathbf{Z}). If \phi ^{-1}(\mathfrak p) = (q) for q a prime number q > 0, then \mathfrak p corresponds to a prime in (\mathbf{Z}/(q))[x], which must be generated by a polynomial that is irreducible in (\mathbf{Z}/(q))[x]. If we choose a representative of this polynomial with minimal degree, then it will also be irreducible in \mathbf{Z}[x]. Hence, in this case \mathfrak p = (q, f_ q) where f_ q is an irreducible polynomial in \mathbf{Z}[x] that is irreducible when viewed in (\mathbf{Z}/(q) [x]). Now, assume that \phi ^{-1}(\mathfrak p) = (0). In this case, \mathfrak p must be generated by nonconstant polynomials which, since \mathfrak p is prime, may be assumed to be irreducible in \mathbf{Z}[x]. By Gauss' lemma, these polynomials are also irreducible in \mathbf{Q}[x]. Since \mathbf{Q}[x] is a Euclidean domain, if there are at least two distinct irreducibles f, g generating \mathfrak p, then 1 = af + bg for a, b \in \mathbf{Q}[x]. Multiplying through by a common denominator, we see that m = \bar{a}f + \bar{b} g for \bar{a}, \bar{b} \in \mathbf{Z}[x] and nonzero m \in \mathbf{Z}. This is a contradiction. Hence, \mathfrak p is generated by one irreducible polynomial in \mathbf{Z}[x].
Example 10.27.3. In this example we describe X = \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(k[x, y]) when k is an arbitrary field. Clearly (0) is prime, and any principal ideal generated by an irreducible polynomial will also be a prime since k[x, y] is a unique factorization domain. Now assume \mathfrak p is an element of X that is not principal. Since k[x, y] is a Noetherian UFD, the prime ideal \mathfrak p can be generated by a finite number of irreducible polynomials (f_1, \ldots , f_ n). Now, I claim that if f, g are irreducible polynomials in k[x, y] that are not associates, then (f, g) \cap k[x] \neq 0. To do this, it is enough to show that f and g are relatively prime when viewed in k(x)[y]. In this case, k(x)[y] is a Euclidean domain, so by applying the Euclidean algorithm and clearing denominators, we obtain p = af + bg for p, a, b \in k[x]. Thus, assume this is not the case, that is, that some nonunit h \in k(x)[y] divides both f and g. Then, by Gauss's lemma, for some a, b \in k(x) we have ah | f and bh | g for ah, bh \in k[x]. By irreducibility, ah = f and bh = g (since h \notin k(x)). So, back in k(x)[y], f, g are associates, as \frac{a}{b} g = f. Since k(x) is the fraction field of k[x], we can write g = \frac{r}{s} f for elements r , s \in k[x] sharing no common factors. This implies that sg = rf in k[x, y] and so s must divide f since k[x, y] is a UFD. Hence, s = 1 or s = f. If s = f, then r = g, implying f, g \in k[x] and thus must be units in k(x) and relatively prime in k(x)[y], contradicting our hypothesis. If s = 1, then g = rf, another contradiction. Thus, we must have f, g relatively prime in k(x)[y], a Euclidean domain. Thus, we have reduced to the case \mathfrak p contains some irreducible polynomial p \in k[x] \subset k[x, y]. By the above, \mathfrak p corresponds to a prime in the ring k[x, y]/(p) = k(\alpha )[y], where \alpha is an element algebraic over k with minimum polynomial p. This is a PID, and so any prime ideal corresponds to (0) or an irreducible polynomial in k(\alpha )[y]. Thus, \mathfrak p is of the form (p) or (p, f) where f is a polynomial in k[x, y] that is irreducible in the quotient k[x, y]/(p).
Example 10.27.4. Consider the ring
Consider the map
defined by \varphi (A) = z^2-z and \varphi (B) = z^3-z^2. It is easily checked that (A^3 - B^2 + AB) \subset \mathop{\mathrm{Ker}}(\varphi ) and that A^3 - B^2 + AB is irreducible. Assume that \varphi is surjective; then since R is an integral domain (it is a subring of an integral domain), \mathop{\mathrm{Ker}}(\varphi ) must be a prime ideal of \mathbf{Q}[A, B]. The prime ideals which contain (A^3-B^2 + AB) are (A^3-B^2 + AB) itself and any maximal ideal (f, g) with f, g\in \mathbf{Q}[A, B] such that f is irreducible mod g. But R is not a field, so the kernel must be (A^3-B^2 + AB); hence \varphi gives an isomorphism R \to \mathbf{Q}[A, B]/(A^3-B^2 + AB).
To see that \varphi is surjective, we must express any f\in R as a \mathbf{Q}-coefficient polynomial in A(z) = z^2-z and B(z) = z^3-z^2. Note the relation zA(z) = B(z). Let a = f(0) = f(1). Then z(z-1) must divide f(z)-a, so we can write f(z) = z(z-1)g(z)+a = A(z)g(z)+a. If \deg (g) < 2, then h(z) = c_1z + c_0 and f(z) = A(z)(c_1z + c_0)+a = c_1B(z)+c_0A(z)+a, so we are done. If \deg (g)\geq 2, then by the polynomial division algorithm, we can write g(z) = A(z)h(z)+b_1z + b_0 (\deg (h)\leq \deg (g)-2), so f(z) = A(z)^2h(z)+b_1B(z)+b_0A(z). Applying division to h(z) and iterating, we obtain an expression for f(z) as a polynomial in A(z) and B(z); hence \varphi is surjective.
Now let a \in \mathbf{Q}, a \neq 0, \frac{1}{2}, 1 and consider
This is a finitely generated \mathbf{Q}-algebra as well: it is easy to check that the functions z^2-z, z^3-z, and \frac{a^2-a}{z-a}+z generate R_ a as an \mathbf{Q}-algebra. We have the following inclusions:
Recall (Lemma 10.17.5) that for a ring T and a multiplicative subset S\subset T, the ring map T \to S^{-1}T induces a map on spectra \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(S^{-1}T) \to \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(T) which is a homeomorphism onto the subset
When S = \{ 1, f, f^2, \ldots \} for some f\in T, this is the open set D(f)\subset T. We now verify a corresponding property for the ring map R \to R_ a: we will show that the map \theta : \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(R_ a) \to \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(R) induced by inclusion R\subset R_ a is a homeomorphism onto an open subset of \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(R) by verifying that \theta is an injective local homeomorphism. We do so with respect to an open cover of \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(R_ a) by two distinguished opens, as we now describe. For any r\in \mathbf{Q}, let \text{ev}_ r : R \to \mathbf{Q} be the homomorphism given by evaluation at r. Note that for r = 0 and r = 1-a, this can be extended to a homomorphism \text{ev}_ r' : R_ a \to \mathbf{Q} (the latter because \frac{1}{z-a} is well-defined at z = 1-a, since a\neq \frac{1}{2}). However, \text{ev}_ a does not extend to R_ a. Write \mathfrak {m}_ r = \mathop{\mathrm{Ker}}(\text{ev}_ r). We have
To verify this, note that the right-hand sides are clearly contained in the left-hand sides. Then check that the right-hand sides are maximal ideals by writing the generators in terms of A and B, and viewing R as \mathbf{Q}[A, B]/(A^3-B^2 + AB). Note that \mathfrak {m}_ a is not in the image of \theta : we have
The left hand side is in \mathfrak m_ a R_ a because (z^2 - z)(z - a) is in \mathfrak m_ a and because (z^2 - z)(\frac{a^2 - a}{z - a} + z) is in R_ a. Similarly the element (z^2 - z)^2(z - a)z is in \mathfrak m_ a R_ a because (z^2 - z) is in R_ a and (z^2 - z)(z - a) is in \mathfrak m_ a. As a \not\in \{ 0, 1\} we conclude that (z^2 - z)^2 \in \mathfrak m_ a R_ a. Hence no ideal I of R_ a can satisfy I \cap R = \mathfrak m_ a, as such an I would have to contain (z^2 - z)^2, which is in R but not in \mathfrak m_ a. The distinguished open set D((z-1 + a)(z-a))\subset \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(R) is equal to the complement of the closed set \{ \mathfrak {m}_ a, \mathfrak {m}_{1-a}\} . Then check that R_{(z-1 + a)(z-a)} = (R_ a)_{(z-1 + a)(z-a)}; calling this localized ring R', then, it follows that the map R \to R' factors as R \to R_ a \to R'. By Lemma 10.17.5, then, these maps express \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(R') \subset \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(R_ a) and \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(R') \subset \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(R) as open subsets; hence \theta : \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(R_ a) \to \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(R), when restricted to D((z-1 + a)(z-a)), is a homeomorphism onto an open subset. Similarly, \theta restricted to D((z^2 + z + 2a-2)(z-a)) \subset \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(R_ a) is a homeomorphism onto the open subset D((z^2 + z + 2a-2)(z-a)) \subset \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(R). Depending on whether z^2 + z + 2a-2 is irreducible or not over \mathbf{Q}, this former distinguished open set has complement equal to one or two closed points along with the closed point \mathfrak {m}_ a. Furthermore, the ideal in R_ a generated by the elements (z^2 + z + 2a-a)(z-a) and (z-1 + a)(z-a) is all of R_ a, so these two distinguished open sets cover \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(R_ a). Hence in order to show that \theta is a homeomorphism onto \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(R)-\{ \mathfrak {m}_ a\} , it suffices to show that these one or two points can never equal \mathfrak {m}_{1-a}. And this is indeed the case, since 1-a is a root of z^2 + z + 2a-2 if and only if a = 0 or a = 1, both of which do not occur.
Despite this homeomorphism which mimics the behavior of a localization at an element of R, while \mathbf{Q}[z, \frac{1}{z-a}] is the localization of \mathbf{Q}[z] at the maximal ideal (z-a), the ring R_ a is not a localization of R: Any localization S^{-1}R results in more units than the original ring R. The units of R are \mathbf{Q}^\times , the units of \mathbf{Q}. In fact, it is easy to see that the units of R_ a are \mathbf{Q}^*. Namely, the units of \mathbf{Q}[z, \frac{1}{z - a}] are c (z - a)^ n for c \in \mathbf{Q}^* and n \in \mathbf{Z} and it is clear that these are in R_ a only if n = 0. Hence R_ a has no more units than R does, and thus cannot be a localization of R.
We used the fact that a\neq 0, 1 to ensure that \frac{1}{z-a} makes sense at z = 0, 1. We used the fact that a\neq 1/2 in a few places: (1) In order to be able to talk about the kernel of \text{ev}_{1-a} on R_ a, which ensures that \mathfrak {m}_{1-a} is a point of R_ a (i.e., that R_ a is missing just one point of R). (2) At the end in order to conclude that (z-a)^{k + \ell } can only be in R for k = \ell = 0; indeed, if a = 1/2, then this is in R as long as k + \ell is even. Hence there would indeed be more units in R_ a than in R, and R_ a could possibly be a localization of R.
Comments (2)
Comment #3410 by Kazuki Masugi on
Comment #3469 by Johan on