Lemma 10.28.1. Let R be a ring. For a principal ideal J \subset R, and for any ideal I \subset J we have I = J (I : J).
10.28 A meta-observation about prime ideals
This section is taken from the CRing project. Let R be a ring and let S \subset R be a multiplicative subset. A consequence of Lemma 10.17.5 is that an ideal I \subset R maximal with respect to the property of not intersecting S is prime. The reason is that I = R \cap \mathfrak m for some maximal ideal \mathfrak m of the ring S^{-1}R. It turns out that for many properties of ideals, the maximal ones are prime. A general method of seeing this was developed in [Lam-Reyes]. In this section, we digress to explain this phenomenon.
Let R be a ring. If I is an ideal of R and a \in R, we define
More generally, if J \subset R is an ideal, we define
Proof. Say J = (a). Then (I : J) = (I : a). Since I \subset J we see that any y \in I is of the form y = xa for some x \in (I : a). Hence I \subset J (I : J). Conversely, if x \in (I : a), then xJ = (xa) \subset I, which proves the other inclusion. \square
Let \mathcal{F} be a collection of ideals of R. We are interested in conditions that will guarantee that the maximal elements in the complement of \mathcal{F} are prime.
Definition 10.28.2. Let R be a ring. Let \mathcal{F} be a set of ideals of R. We say \mathcal{F} is an Oka family if R \in \mathcal{F} and whenever I \subset R is an ideal and (I : a), (I, a) \in \mathcal{F} for some a \in R, then I \in \mathcal{F}.
Let us give some examples of Oka families. The first example is the basic example discussed in the introduction to this section.
Example 10.28.3. Let R be a ring and let S be a multiplicative subset of R. We claim that \mathcal{F} = \{ I \subset R \mid I \cap S \not= \emptyset \} is an Oka family. Namely, suppose that (I : a), (I, a) \in \mathcal{F} for some a \in R. Then pick s \in (I, a) \cap S and s' \in (I : a) \cap S. Then ss' \in I \cap S and hence I \in \mathcal{F}. Thus \mathcal{F} is an Oka family.
Example 10.28.4. Let R be a ring, I \subset R an ideal, and a \in R. If (I : a) is generated by a_1, \ldots , a_ n and (I, a) is generated by a, b_1, \ldots , b_ m with b_1, \ldots , b_ m \in I, then I is generated by aa_1, \ldots , aa_ n, b_1, \ldots , b_ m. To see this, note that if x \in I, then x \in (I, a) is a linear combination of a, b_1, \ldots , b_ m, but the coefficient of a must lie in (I:a). As a result, we deduce that the family of finitely generated ideals is an Oka family.
Example 10.28.5. Let us show that the family of principal ideals of a ring R is an Oka family. Indeed, suppose I \subset R is an ideal, a \in R, and (I, a) and (I : a) are principal. Note that (I : a) = (I : (I, a)). Setting J = (I, a), we find that J is principal and (I : J) is too. By Lemma 10.28.1 we have I = J (I : J). Thus we find in our situation that since J = (I, a) and (I : J) are principal, I is principal.
Example 10.28.6. Let R be a ring. Let \kappa be an infinite cardinal. The family of ideals which can be generated by at most \kappa elements is an Oka family. The argument is analogous to the argument in Example 10.28.4 and is omitted.
Example 10.28.7. Let A be a ring, I \subset A an ideal, and a \in A an element. There is a short exact sequence 0 \to A/(I : a) \to A/I \to A/(I, a) \to 0 where the first arrow is given by multiplication by a. Thus if P is a property of A-modules that is stable under extensions and holds for 0, then the family of ideals I such that A/I has P is an Oka family.
Proposition 10.28.8. If \mathcal{F} is an Oka family of ideals, then any maximal element of the complement of \mathcal{F} is prime.
Proof. Suppose I \not\in \mathcal{F} is maximal with respect to not being in \mathcal{F} but I is not prime. Note that I \not= R because R \in \mathcal{F}. Since I is not prime we can find a, b \in R - I with ab \in I. It follows that (I, a) \neq I and (I : a) contains b \not\in I so also (I : a) \neq I. Thus (I : a), (I, a) both strictly contain I, so they must belong to \mathcal{F}. By the Oka condition, we have I \in \mathcal{F}, a contradiction. \square
At this point we are able to turn most of the examples above into a lemma about prime ideals in a ring.
Lemma 10.28.9. Let R be a ring. Let S be a multiplicative subset of R. An ideal I \subset R which is maximal with respect to the property that I \cap S = \emptyset is prime.
Proof. This is the example discussed in the introduction to this section. For an alternative proof, combine Example 10.28.3 with Proposition 10.28.8. \square
Lemma 10.28.10. Let R be a ring.
An ideal I \subset R maximal with respect to not being finitely generated is prime.
If every prime ideal of R is finitely generated, then every ideal of R is finitely generated1.
Proof. The first assertion is an immediate consequence of Example 10.28.4 and Proposition 10.28.8. For the second, suppose that there exists an ideal I \subset R which is not finitely generated. The union of a totally ordered chain \left\{ I_\alpha \right\} of ideals that are not finitely generated is not finitely generated; indeed, if I = \bigcup I_\alpha were generated by a_1, \ldots , a_ n, then all the generators would belong to some I_\alpha and would consequently generate it. By Zorn's lemma, there is an ideal maximal with respect to being not finitely generated. By the first part this ideal is prime. \square
Lemma 10.28.11. Let R be a ring.
An ideal I \subset R maximal with respect to not being principal is prime.
If every prime ideal of R is principal, then every ideal of R is principal.
Proof. The first part follows from Example 10.28.5 and Proposition 10.28.8. For the second, suppose that there exists an ideal I \subset R which is not principal. The union of a totally ordered chain \left\{ I_\alpha \right\} of ideals that not principal is not principal; indeed, if I = \bigcup I_\alpha were generated by a, then a would belong to some I_\alpha and a would generate it. By Zorn's lemma, there is an ideal maximal with respect to not being principal. This ideal is necessarily prime by the first part. \square
Lemma 10.28.12. Let R be a ring.
An ideal maximal among the ideals which do not contain a nonzerodivisor is prime.
If R is nonzero and every nonzero prime ideal in R contains a nonzerodivisor, then R is a domain.
Proof. Consider the set S of nonzerodivisors. It is a multiplicative subset of R. Hence any ideal maximal with respect to not intersecting S is prime, see Lemma 10.28.9. Thus, if every nonzero prime ideal contains a nonzerodivisor, then (0) is prime, i.e., R is a domain. \square
Remark 10.28.13. Let R be a ring. Let \kappa be an infinite cardinal. By applying Example 10.28.6 and Proposition 10.28.8 we see that any ideal maximal with respect to the property of not being generated by \kappa elements is prime. This result is not so useful because there exists a ring for which every prime ideal of R can be generated by \aleph _0 elements, but some ideal cannot. Namely, let k be a field, let T be a set whose cardinality is greater than \aleph _0 and let
This is a local ring with unique prime ideal \mathfrak m = (x_ n). But the ideal (z_{t, n}) cannot be generated by countably many elements.
Example 10.28.14.reference Let R be a ring and X = \mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}(R). Since closed subsets of X correspond to radical ideas of R (Lemma 10.17.2) we see that X is a Noetherian topological space if and only if we have ACC for radical ideals. This holds if and only if every radical ideal is the radical of a finitely generated ideal (details omitted). Let
The reader can show that \mathcal{F} is an Oka family by using the identity
which holds for any ideal I \subset R and any element a \in R. On the other hand, if we have a totally ordered chain of ideals \{ I_\alpha \} none of which are in \mathcal{F}, then the union I = \bigcup I_\alpha cannot be in \mathcal{F} either. Otherwise \sqrt{I} = \sqrt{(f_1, \ldots , f_ n)}, then f_ i^ e \in I for some e, then f_ i^ e \in I_\alpha for some \alpha independent of i, then \sqrt{I_\alpha } = \sqrt{(f_1, \ldots , f_ n)}, contradiction. Thus if the set of ideals not in \mathcal{F} is nonempty, then it has maximal elements and exactly as in Lemma 10.28.10 we conclude that X is a Noetherian topological space if and only if every prime ideal of R is equal to \sqrt{(f_1, \ldots , f_ n)} for some f_1, \ldots , f_ n \in R. If we ever need this result we will carefully state and prove this result here.
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