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Lemma 10.123.2. Let R be a ring. Let \varphi : R[x] \to S be a ring map. Let t \in S. Assume that (a) t is integral over R[x], and (b) there exists a monic p \in R[x] such that t \varphi (p) \in \mathop{\mathrm{Im}}(\varphi ). Then there exists a q \in R[x] such that t - \varphi (q) is integral over R.

Proof. Write t \varphi (p) = \varphi (r) for some r \in R[x]. Using euclidean division, write r = qp + r' with q, r' \in R[x] and \deg (r') < \deg (p). We may replace t by t - \varphi (q) which is still integral over R[x], so that we obtain t \varphi (p) = \varphi (r'). In the ring S_ t we may write this as \varphi (p) - (1/t) \varphi (r') = 0. This implies that \varphi (x) gives an element of the localization S_ t which is integral over \varphi (R)[1/t] \subset S_ t. On the other hand, t is integral over the subring \varphi (R)[\varphi (x)] \subset S. Combined we conclude that t is integral over the subring \varphi (R)[1/t] \subset S_ t, see Lemma 10.36.6. In other words there exists an equation of the form

t^ d + \sum \nolimits _{i < d} \left(\sum \nolimits _{j = 0, \ldots , n_ i} \varphi (r_{i, j})/t^ j\right) t^ i = 0

in S_ t with r_{i, j} \in R. This means that t^{d + N} + \sum _{i < d} \sum _{j = 0, \ldots , n_ i} \varphi (r_{i, j}) t^{i + N - j} = 0 in S for some N large enough. In other words t is integral over R. \square

Comments (4)

Comment #3630 by Brian Conrad on

The end of the proof is not processing on my screeen (maybe a MathJax bug?), though it looks fine in the .pdf output.

Comment #3646 by on

Thanks for noticing this! It was a combination of Gerby and MathJax causing this. When Johan does the next update it should be fixed.

Comment #3959 by Manuel Hoff on

I think that an arbitrary element of doesn't necessarily write in the form as claimed in the proof. Instead it should be of the form . Of course this doesn't change the argument.

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  • 3 comment(s) on Section 10.123: Zariski's Main Theorem

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