Lemma 10.166.3. Let k be a field. Let A \to B be a faithfully flat k-algebra map. If B is geometrically regular over k, so is A.
Geometric regularity descends through faithfully flat maps of algebras
Proof. Assume B is geometrically regular over k. Let k'/k be a finite, purely inseparable extension. Then A \otimes _ k k' \to B \otimes _ k k' is faithfully flat as a base change of A \to B (by Lemmas 10.30.3 and 10.39.7) and B \otimes _ k k' is regular by our assumption on B over k. Then A \otimes _ k k' is regular by Lemma 10.164.4. \square
Comments (1)
Comment #2110 by Matthew Emerton on