Lemma 10.41.9. Let k be a field, and let R, S be k-algebras. Let S' \subset S be a sub k-algebra, and let f \in S' \otimes _ k R. In the commutative diagram
the images of the diagonal arrows are the same.
Lemma 10.41.9. Let k be a field, and let R, S be k-algebras. Let S' \subset S be a sub k-algebra, and let f \in S' \otimes _ k R. In the commutative diagram
the images of the diagonal arrows are the same.
Proof. Let \mathfrak p \subset R be in the image of the south-west arrow. This means (Lemma 10.18.6) that
is not the zero ring, i.e., S' \otimes _ k \kappa (\mathfrak p) is not the zero ring and the image of f in it is not nilpotent. The ring map S' \otimes _ k \kappa (\mathfrak p) \to S \otimes _ k \kappa (\mathfrak p) is injective. Hence also S \otimes _ k \kappa (\mathfrak p) is not the zero ring and the image of f in it is not nilpotent. Hence (S \otimes _ k R)_ f \otimes _ R \kappa (\mathfrak p) is not the zero ring. Thus (Lemma 10.18.6) we see that \mathfrak p is in the image of the south-east arrow as desired. \square
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