Lemma 10.101.8 (Critère de platitude par fibres: Nilpotent case). Let
\xymatrix{ S \ar[rr] & & S' \\ & R \ar[lu] \ar[ru] }
be a commutative diagram in the category of rings. Let I \subset R be a nilpotent ideal and M an S'-module. Assume
The module M/IM is a flat S/IS-module.
The module M is a flat R-module.
Then M is a flat S-module and S_{\mathfrak q} is flat over R for every \mathfrak q \subset S such that M \otimes _ S \kappa (\mathfrak q) is nonzero.
As M is flat over R tensoring with the short exact sequence 0 \to I \to R \to R/I \to 0 gives a short exact sequence
0 \to I \otimes _ R M \to M \to M/IM \to 0.
Note that I \otimes _ R M \to IS \otimes _ S M is surjective. Combined with the above this means both maps in
I \otimes _ R M \to IS \otimes _ S M \to M
are injective. Hence \text{Tor}_1^ S(IS, M) = 0 (see Remark 10.75.9) and we conclude that M is a flat S-module by Lemma 10.99.8. To finish we need to show that S_{\mathfrak q} is flat over R for any prime \mathfrak q \subset S such that M \otimes _ S \kappa (\mathfrak q) is nonzero. This follows from Lemma 10.39.15 and 10.39.10.
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