Lemma 10.82.12. Let R \to S be a ring map. Let M \to M' be a map of S-modules. The following are equivalent
M \to M' is universally injective as a map of R-modules,
for each prime \mathfrak q of S the map M_{\mathfrak q} \to M'_{\mathfrak q} is universally injective as a map of R-modules,
for each maximal ideal \mathfrak m of S the map M_{\mathfrak m} \to M'_{\mathfrak m} is universally injective as a map of R-modules,
for each prime \mathfrak q of S the map M_{\mathfrak q} \to M'_{\mathfrak q} is universally injective as a map of R_{\mathfrak p}-modules, where \mathfrak p is the inverse image of \mathfrak q in R, and
for each maximal ideal \mathfrak m of S the map M_{\mathfrak m} \to M'_{\mathfrak m} is universally injective as a map of R_{\mathfrak p}-modules, where \mathfrak p is the inverse image of \mathfrak m in R.
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